Friday, May 24, 2013


I am in the process of posting a link to the DVD's that I sent home yesterday!  Make sure you check them out!  They are Wonderful! Thank you Hilary Bertsch for all of your extra time in our classroom to make that project happen!


It feels really strange to be sitting in my classroom--bare walls, empty chairs, cleared off desks.  I was just clearing through e-mails and came upon this picture!

Online Fraction Games

Check these out this summer for more help with Fractions!
Go to Melvin's science laboratory of equivalent fractions!
The goal is to help Grammy find Grampy behind the bushes.
This "timed" matching game works with equivalent fractions.
A collection of interative lessons on fractions.
Pizza Party-Give everyone an equal portion.
Choose which fraction does not belong and earn a piece of pie!
A collection of fraction lessons-flags, monkeys, etc.
Race around the track to win the fraction race.
Fractionize the Flags!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Owl Pellet Dissections

A Quick Note from Miss Argall....
Here are some Owl Pellet Dissection pictures!! J  Owl Pellets are when barn owls swoop down and eat their prey in one gulp. The owls cannot digest the fur and bones so after 20 hours they regurgitate it back up. The students got to sift through the owl pellet and piece together to see what kind of rodent their owl ate! Gross I know! J

Thursday, May 16, 2013

SneakPeak @ My End of the Year Gift

Yesterday, I gave each of the students a list of all of the names of the individuals in our classroom. I had them each write one word next to each name. A word that best described the person.  Here's a Sneak Peak of what the students said about me...and a sneak peak at what I will be sending home with each of them regarding the comments their peers made about them! They are coming together so nicely...and I'm enjoying every moment of it!
I can't even begin to comprehend that tomorrow is the last Friday of the school year. This year has been a blast...learning right alongside your children! They've really been a class to remember!  :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Concordia Performance

I just realized that I missed blogging about our Concordia Learning Bank Field Trip!
Back on April 5, we attended an AMAZING Percussion performance at Concordia College in Moorhead.  Please see pictures below to showcase our exciting afternoon!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Music Performance

What a wonderful day it was!

Congratulations on a job well done on your Spring Music Performance! I am so proud of you all!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Talent Show

Round 2 of the Annual Talent Show Tryouts are complete!

Congratuations to the following groups from our class who made it to the final round, May 21st @ 8:30 AM

Aidan Bertsch- singing                         Dalyn  & Friends-dance                           
Katilyn Carlson and Friends-dance