
In 3rd grade, your child will have nightly homework. Each evening, we ask that you read 20-30 minutes with your child. On nights that there is not a homelink, I recommend that the students read for 30 minutes. If there is a homelink, students can read for 20 minutes. By you signing their agenda, we understand that those minutes have been completed! The reading can include reading aloud, reading silently, or having a book read aloud to the student. This is a program that is free for parents and teachers. Students are able to check out books from the library and take quizzes online on the books they are reading! E-mail me for more information. www.bookadventure.com is the website. I have logins for each child available. Several nights a week, there will also be a homelink in Everyday Mathematics. On the first day of each Unit, I will send home a parent letter that includes an explanation of the unit as well as answers to help guide you and your child through each home link.

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