Wednesday, October 31, 2012


On Tuesday, the West Fargo Fire Department visited our class!  We were able to watch a video, review what we have learned in the past years, ask lots of questions, and best of all--see the firefighters in uniform!
Here are a few pictures from our afternoon presentation!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fall Party

Tomorrow we have a busy day in 3rd grade! We will be taking Reading Part 3 of the North Dakota State Assessment (today we took reading part 2) as well as having a visit from the Counselor, Mrs. Albrecht and celebrating our Fall party!  Thank you to all of the parents who volunteer their time and food for our spider craft!  Our class greatly appreciates it!

Today we took Reading Part 2 of the state assessment and we have some City of West Fargo firefighters coming to do a fire presentation this afternoon!  I hope to upload some pictures of Miss Argall's class and ours as we will be viewing this presentation together!

Happy early Halloween!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

NDSA Testing

Congratulations! Your child has completed Reading Part 1 of NDSA (North Dakota State Assessment)!  3rd grade is the first year they take that assessment so it was a brand new thing for them.  Every 3rd grader in North Dakota is taking this test! Over the course of the next few weeks we will be taking a different part of the test every few days.  They did a great job today! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences

A HUGE thank you to all of the parents and students who attended parent teacher conferences! It was so nice to meet each of you, hear your concerns, and share what we've been learning so far in 3rd grade!  I truly love teaching your 3rd graders everyday and look forward to all of the new learning that is happening!

Mrs. Joyce has hired a long-term substitute teacher for my maternity leave who has tons of experience--across a wide range of grade levels and specialty areas!  I'm very excited to have her work with our class during the time that I am away with the new baby!  My hope is to have her meet the class sometime before baby is born!

Please feel free to contact me if any conversations came up after conferences that you want to know more about!

Thanks for trusting me in the care and teaching of your children!

Monday, October 1, 2012

October News

Happy Monday! So many exciting new things to report on...

1. Today we began our Fargo Force Reading Incentive Program.  Please see the program guide your child brought home!  Each day, please record the amount of minutes read as well as your initials.  The students are working towards some awesome goals. We calculated it today, and we only need to read about 18 minutes each day outside of the school day to qualify for ALL of the incentives!! 

2. Students should still be recording their reading minutes on their Cats/Dogs Paws for Reading program forms. If you would only like to keep track of one, please have them return their Paws pages to me and I will get their minutes input!!

3.  Picture Day--Pictures will be taken this THURSDAY, October 4! Thank you to parents who have turned in your order forms.  If you haven't, please turn in by Tuesday afterschool so Kristie can process them for Scherling Photography. 

4.  United Way Change Drive/Red Ribbon Week--both are beginning this month. I will be sending more information home about these programs! 

5.  Book orders--I sent out October's book orders last Friday, along with our October calendar!  If you have access to ordering online @ you can earn free $$$ towards your next online order--and we earn extra for our class as well!  Our class code is KWLYK.

6. Flat Stanley--Our Flat Stanley letters are finally being sent out this week.  Our class did a biography project last week that took much more time that I had planned for, so we were unable to completely finish our letters until Friday. 

7.  Parent-Teacher Conferences--These are coming up very quickly. I sent home a notice (on pink paper) today.  Please confirm and send back with your child as soon as possible.  I'm looking forward to meeting with each of you! If the time listed does not work, please let me know and I will see what I can do about rescheduling! 

8. As always--please feel free to e-mail me or call me with any questions or concerns!