Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dec 9-13, 2013 Home Reading Winner

Olivia was our home reading winner from Dec 9-13! Way to go Olivia--240 minutes read!

Friday, December 13, 2013

How many minutes old are you?

Today we were working with HUGE numbers in math. One website we came across was able to tell us EXACTLY how many days, weeks, years, months, minutes, hours, etc old we are!

The kids LOVED it! I showed them my information and they are impatiently waiting to figure theirs out!

Have fun!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Holiday Week Festivities!

Holiday Spirit Week:

Monday, December 16

Wear holiday red!


Tuesday, December 17

  Wear festive green!


Wednesday, December 18

                     Wear a holiday hat!


Thursday, December 19

Wear your holiday socks!


     Friday, December 20

Wear a “unique” holiday sweater or shirt!


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Top reader for December 2-6---again! Way to go Asho!

455 minutes read by Asho the week of December 2-6! Way to go!

Classroom Christmas WIsh List

In the spirit of holiday giving (and receiving) our classroom compiled a list of 'wants' for our classroom. If you are interested in purchasing something for our classroom for Christmas, please check out our list below:

Supplies & Books:
wooden pencils
bean bag seats
pink erasers
drawing books
"Storm Warning" books

"Ants in your Pants"
"Monopoly Jr."
"Mad Gab"
marble/stick game---we couldn't figure out the name of it, but you have all of the sticks poking through a cylinder and you pile the marbles on top of one another. Then, one by one, you pull out the sticks--whoever makes the marbles fall is the loser.

Thanks for considering!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

November Home Reading Book It Winners

Congrats to our classroom's top readers for November 2013! Each of these students has earned a Free PIZZA from Pizza Hut!


November 25-29 TOP HOME READER!

Congrats Jetta-our top home reading winner for November 25-29, 2013!  200 minutes read-keep up the good work!

Homelinks vs. Practice Sets

Nearly every night, your child will bring home a home link for math or a practice set.

Home links are yellow and are labeled at the top left with a black box with 2 numbers in it. The first number is the unit, and the second number is the lesson.

Some days, the homelinks are not appropriate based on what we worked on that day, so I might send home a practice set in place of the homelink.


The practice sets are white sheets with a long gray bar across the top. The words practice set are in the gray box and the # of the practice set is in a white diamond shape following the words practice set.


Homelinks practice the skill of the day and Practice Sets review past lessons.


Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Still looking for parents able to come read to our class!

I still have several dates available for parents to come in and read to our classroom.
My preferred times are 8:30-8:45 am or 10:25-10:40 am.
If neither of those times work ,but you want to come in, please let me know a date and time that will work better and I'll see how/if I can fit it into our schedule!

Thanks for considering!

Winter is HERE!

Winter is OFFICIALLY HERE! Please be sure to send all cold weather gear each and every day for your child!

Hat, Gloves, Scarf, Coat, Snowpants, and boots!

Nice clip for your kids to watch:

December Book Orders!

December is such a busy month, so I have requested that book orders be turned in by THIS THURSDAY, Dec 5, 2013.  If you would like the books to be surprises for your children, be sure you order online and e-mail or send me a note letting me know that you want specific ones held for you to pick up or for me to send home secretly.
The early due date is to confirm that they will be here before we leave for Winter Break!

Thank you for supporting our classroom through your purchases of books and other activities from the Scholastic catalog. To view the books online, go to  Class code is: KWYLK for online ordering!

Thanks have a blessed day!