Thursday, January 31, 2013

Coming Home Tonight!

The mailboxes for your children are filling up quickly tonight--so I just wanted to pass on a note of some important things that are happening!

1. February Book Orders are coming home tonight.  They will be due Friday, February 8, 2013! Feel free to order online at You will earn a $5 coupon towards your next months book of choice and our class earns an additional $3 to spend on books!  KWYLK is our class code!

2. Fargo Force Reading Calendars are coming home tonight. Please send January reading calendars back ASAP so I can give the students their Fargo Force Reading Prizes--SPICY PIE FREEBIE!!  February and March calendar readers who reach 1100 minutes over the course of the 2 months will receive a free FARGO FORCE HOCKEY TICKET!

3. Febuary Classroom Calendars are coming home tonight.  You will find all of our special events on the calendar including Chess Club (for those who are members), PTA Meeting, End of Trimester 3, February Birthday Party, Casual Picture Day and the first day of Winter Parent-Teacher Conferences! 

4. Parent-Teacher Conferences Slips.  Please confirm that the scheduled time works for you and send back the note with suggested topics of discussion! I'm looking forward to sharing with you what the students have been working on so far this year!

5. Casual Picture Day forms are also coming home today!  They will be taken Wednesday February 13th. All students will be photographed.  A week after the pictures are taken, you will recieve proofs and then can decide what/if you would like to order. Please dress your children appropriately that day! I will also put a reminder in their agendas!

Have a great Thursday!

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