Tuesday, September 30, 2014

October 9-Picture Day

Picture day forms are coming home tonight!  Our school pictures will be held-Thursday October 9.
Please complete and return order form ASAP and we will send it down to the office!

Monday, September 29, 2014

October 2-PTO Meeting

Our October PTO meeting will be held on October 2!

Please plan to attend @ 7pm in the Library!

Your support is greatly appreciated!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 6 Spelling

Week 6 Spelling words are published on www.spellingcity.com/loristeinbrink

Please use this website to help your child practice at home!

You can also double check their words in their agenda against their list if you see any discrepancies due to speeding through when they write them into their agenda!

Friday, September 26, 2014


Dear Independence Families,
Just a reminder that our annual fundraiser is underway!

This fundraiser is our major source of income. It funds all of our PTO/School sponsored events. The packets are due Monday, Sept. 29th. Please turn in your order form and money in your child's envelope to their teacher. Please remember to put a cell phone number on the order form to receive a reminder text about delivery. If your child sells enough to earn a t-shirt, please mark the size you want on top of the order form.
Please consider helping our fundraising efforts. We appreciate any amount of participation.

Independence School

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Addition Math Strategies

Below are some tips that might be helpful when your student brings home their work on Tuesday. We are focusing on two different types of addition. They are:  Partial-Sums and Column-Addition.

I have written out an example, and I have also attached a link to a video that will help explain the process as well. It was difficult to format the example for Column-Addition, so I attached a photo. The steps are colored in coordination with the actual work in the photo. If you have questions, let me know! I know this is a very different method, than many of us, including myself, grew up with. We are in this journey together! I have found these methods fantastic for teaching addition, and really help students make sense of addition. Enjoy!


The partial-sums method is used to find sums mentally or with paper and pencil. Here is the partial-sums method for adding 2-digit or 3-digit numbers:

1.) Add the 100s
2.) Add the 10s
3.) Add the 1s
4.) Then add the sums you just found (the partial sums).


Add the 10s:                    40+30 ----------->       70
Add the 1s:                        6+  7 ----------->     +13
Add the partial sums       70+13 ----------->       83

Add the 100s:                  200+100 -------->                300
Add the 10s:                      30+  50 -------->                  80
Add the 1s:                         3 +   8 --------->                +11
Add the partial sums:  300 + 80 + 11 ----->                391


The column-addition method can be used to find sums with paper and pencil, but it is not a good method for finding sums mentally.

Here is the column-addition method for adding 2-digit or 3-digit numbers.

1.) Draw lines to separate the 1s, 10s, and 100s places.
2.) Add the numbers in each column. Write each sum in its column.
3.) If there are 2 digits in the 1s place, trade 10 ones for 1 ten.
4.) If there are 2 digits in the 10s places, trade 10 tens for 1 hundred.


Add 248+187 using the column-addition method.


Add the numbers in each column

Two digits in the ones place.
Trade 15 ones for 1 ten and 5 ones.
Move the 1 ten to the tens column.

Two digits in the tens place.
Trade 13 tens for 1 hundred and 3 tens
Move the 1 hundred to the hundreds column

248 + 187 = 435 

I hope this information helped. If you every have more questions about our Everyday Math while you are at home, this is a really helpful site to view!This link will take you to the unit we are currently working on.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Southeast Region

YouTube Videos for studying this week:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHUmeXLs2jM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se3PMbThhsg

Week 5 Spelling Lists

Week 5 Spelling lists are available  (next week's list).


New books!

A hug THANK YOU to all of the families who ordered from our September book order!  Here's a quick picture of the LOOT our class earned--For FrEe!  Just because you ordered books for your kids! Now our class will enjoy 16 new books in 2 popular series!

Thanks again!

Friday, September 19, 2014


Hi Parents!

If anyone has any headphones that they no longer use at home that they would like to donate to our classroom-we would be so appreciative!  Or, if your child has an extra pair that they would like to keep here at school in their supply bin, that would be so great!

Tour the States

Which version is better?



Lunch in the Dog Pound

Congrats to Carter who was our PAWsome student of the week at Independence!  He chose the prize "Lunch in the Dog Pound (conference room) with a Friend" and he asked Aiden to join him!

How fun!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Northeastern States Video


Check out this awesome website to help visualize and review for our NORTHEASTERN states quiz this Friday!



Check out this awesome new resource we are using this! I'll be archiving behavior on this site rather than on my STUDENT RECOGNITION tab!

Spelling Lists start tonight

Each child took a few moments to write their 15 spelling words into their agendas tonight.
Please be sure to study them each night in whatever manner you choose. We will test on Fridays unless there is not school that day. Then I will adjust as needed.

For extra guided practice online, please visit: www.spellingcity.com/loristeinbrink

Your child should know what letter A-E their list is.

Thanks for your support. As always, contact me with any questions!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A note from Jill Leier-Curriculum Coordinator

Parent Update:            

There are many ways that you can help support your child with mathematics. Math is everywhere and we use it every day. One way to help develop number sense with your child is to talk about numbers. They are on highway signs, billboards, and grocery shelves. We see them on menus, advertisements, and in games. Discussing numbers helps them become more aware of how we use them daily.

Your student is learning math with a textbook called Everyday Mathematics. There are many great lessons in which students are exploring and discovering how numbers work.  Sometimes, as a parent, you might be tempted to show them the traditional algorithm or the “old-fashioned” way to solve some of these problems. Please hold off on that. Let your child discover patterns in numbers, how to break numbers apart to solve, and how to use a number line or place value to solve. To you, this may seem like a lot of work, but that work is focused on helping children learn to think and problem solve. We will teach them the “old fashioned” way when the time is right. That will be after students have had time to gain strong number sense and problem solving strategies. Students will also learn alternative algorithms you might not be familiar with. We have planned this progression of learning within our curriculum; so there is no need to worry that your child will not learn the basics. They will learn the basics and so much more that is needed for our 21st Century Learners.

1.      At the start of each unit you will receive an Everyday Mathematics Family Letter. This letter will tell you the content that is emphasized in the unit, key vocabulary, do-anytime activities, and games the students will be playing. Often times in the vocabulary section there will be additional help on the steps students follow to answer problems. The last page of the letter is called As You Help Your Child with Homework. This page provides the answers to the Home/Study Links your child brings home to complete.  Save this page until the end of the unit. Home Links and/or Study Links: Home Links are sent home in Gr. K-3. Study Links are sent home in Gr. 4-5. You will recognize them by the home icon in the top right hand corner. Please take time to work with your child as they complete these at home.  It is a great way to practice concepts and skills learned in school.


2.      All students will be getting a login and password for Everyday Mathematics Online. Once they receive this, students will have access to their student reference book, tutorials, home links, games, and more. You will need to have a computer and internet access in order to use this site. This is an amazing site and very helpful to students and parents. We hope to have all logins by the end of October.


3.      The state of North Dakota has adopted the Common Core Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts. These standards are being used nationwide to clearly define what students need to know and be able to do in Math and ELA at each grade level. The expectations of math have been increased with these standards. You can expect to see that increase rigor in your student’s classroom expectations. Teachers will work hard to provide effective instruction to help all students achieve their maximum potential. For more information on the Common Core Standards please visit the Parent’s Guide to Success at: http://www.pta.org/4446.htm        



Jill Leier        Elementary Math Coach for West Fargo Public Schools


Friday, September 12, 2014


I have finished correcting all student spelling inventories and am ready to begin differentiated spelling lists.  These lists will allow students to study meaningful words at their current ability level. I will reevaluate lists at benchmark time in the winter (early January).  I will be uploading all lists on my classroom spelling city page:

They are not uploaded yet, but I hope to do that over the weekend.
My plan is to assess spelling every Friday. New lists will be posted each weekend before that. Students will have some opportunity to be practicing their words in class during Daily 5-Word Work stations 2-3 times per week.

Please do not compare your children to other children according to their lists or ask them who is on lists other than their own. These lists are a perfect fit for each child in them and in order to guarantee that all make growth, this is my way of making that true!

Just as each child should read a book that is a 'good fit' for them, their word practice should be at that level as well! :)

Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

Congrats Aiden & Team!

Congrats Aiden & Baseball team!  You guys rock! So much fun to catch you in the West Fargo Pioneer!

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Scholastic book orders for September are due FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12.
Be sure to checkout scholastic.com and enter classroom code: KWYLK to place your order.
I usually try to submit over my lunch break (12:30) on the day they are due!

Thanks for supporting our class!

Tour the State YOU TUBE Video & FIFTY-NIFTY United States Video

Tour the State-YOUTUBE Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E2CNZIlVIg


Fifty Nifty United States-YOUTUBE Videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWGc6AZQlAE
Mrs. Steinbrink's FAVORITE from 4th grade!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Chip Shoppe Fundraiser

Thank you so much for supporting your children in our Chip Shoppe Fundraiser. This is Independence Elementary School's first opportunity to raise funds for all of the extra supports in our school. This fundraiser will continue over the next 2 weekends-so please utilize that time to encourage your children' to share the catalog with close family and friends. The online selling option is also an excellent way to share it with family members outside of the area.  When I peaked on there for my daughter's options (she attends Freedom-Kindergarten) I noticed that shipping is free for home deliveries over $60--what a bonus :)

The students have been so excited to share their goals and how many items they have sold so please keep up that enthusiasm through the end of the fundraiser!

Any questions-just email me! :)

Monday, September 1, 2014

Snack Break

Dear parents-if you choose to send a snack that needs a utensil (yogurt, pudding, applesauce, etc), please send the proper utensil with as the kitchen is unable to provide them at this time!

New books

I couldn't wait to share with you the new books that came in on Friday from scholastic! Many great titles--you will be able to check them out tomorrow if you wish! (sorry the picture is sideways)