Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Online Conference Scheduling for Parents

West Fargo Public Schools Online Conference Scheduler for Parents 1
Online Conference Scheduling for Parents
 Follow the link to the Freedom Elementary Conference site. http://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Freedom
 Select your child or children’s teacher or teachers and click Submit.
 Enter your student’s first name, last name, the name(s) of parents attending, and your email address before clicking Submit.
West Fargo Public Schools Online Conference Scheduler for Parents 2
 You are now registered. Next, you need to book a conference time.
 Please check the email account that you just provided when registering for an email message like the one shown here. If you do not receive this email, please be sure to check your Junk or Spam email folders.
 The email you receive will have a link for you to follow and select a specific conference time. Click the link that
says “Click here to select conference time.” If you are unable to click the link, log on to the site noted and use the code provided.
West Fargo Public Schools Online Conference Scheduler for Parents 3
 You will now see all of the available time slots for your child’s teacher. If you selected more than one teacher, you will see each of the teachers’ schedules listed to find the available openings that work best for you. Click the time slot you would like to book.
 If your child receives special services from any teacher outside of their regular classroom teachers, please sign up between the following dates and times. All other teachers will only be available to visit with you during the times below.
Monday, Oct. 19th – 4:00pm-7:45pm
Tuesday, Oct. 20th – 4:00pm-7:45pm
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
 You will see your child’s name appear in the selected time slot. Click submit to confirm your request or if you need to make a different request, click the Remove appointment box at the top of the list.
West Fargo Public Schools Online Conference Scheduler for Parents 4
 When you have successfully booked your time, you will get this Thank You page.
 You will also receive an email to confirm your scheduled conference time. This email
will contain a link back to the site if you need to make any changes. The online scheduling page will be active until October 11th.
 Please contact the Freedom Elementary Office at 701-356-5221 if you have any questions. They will also be able to schedule you for your conferences if necessary.

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