Monday, September 3, 2012

Everyday Math & Raz-Kids

I hope you all had a restful weekend!  I was able to spend the majority of the weekend away at Fish Lake with some family.  I finished up the binding on a quilt that I have been working on for our new baby due in November!  I also enjoyed watching my husband learn how to sail in his uncle's sailboat--very interesting with the wind we had! :)

On Friday, our class spent some time in the computer lab getting aquainted with two educational websites that are available to them for curriculum support. I taped the internet login information into their home folders so they can access the websites at home as well as at school.

Everyday Mathematics:

During the next week, I will also be giving each of the students access to Book Adventure.  Hundreds of books in our school library have reading levels and quizzes aligned with them.  Each of the students can choose to check those books out to help improve their independent reading comprehension.  After a student finishes reading a "BA" book, they can log-in and take a quiz to earn points!  You can find this website @

Please e-mail or call if you have questions about any of these things!

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