Thursday, August 30, 2012

Student Council Candidates & Scholastic Book Orders

Today our student council candidates were selected.  Each class--grades 3-5 is able to send 2 students to be a part of the Student Council.  Yesterday, we did an interview session with 12 out of the 24 total students in our classroom!  I am thrilled to have so many students interested in participating in Student Council--HALF OF OUR CLASS!

After our interviews, we did a classroom vote.  I also reviewed all student council applications (Thank you parents & community members for taking time to help your 3rd graders get those filled out) yesterday and this morning for those who were still finishing them up.  I talked to previous teachers as well as specialists throughout the building and adding everything up, I am happy to announce our 2 Student Council Members:

Katie & Aidan!!!!  Congrats!  We look forward to having you represent our classroom this year!

Every month or 2 I will be sending home Scholastic book orders!  This is an opportunity for students to build their home library + help build our classroom library.  Our current book order is due tomorrow-Friday, August 30, 2012.  Please view the website: if you would like to make an online order!

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