Thursday, January 31, 2013

Coming Home Tonight!

The mailboxes for your children are filling up quickly tonight--so I just wanted to pass on a note of some important things that are happening!

1. February Book Orders are coming home tonight.  They will be due Friday, February 8, 2013! Feel free to order online at You will earn a $5 coupon towards your next months book of choice and our class earns an additional $3 to spend on books!  KWYLK is our class code!

2. Fargo Force Reading Calendars are coming home tonight. Please send January reading calendars back ASAP so I can give the students their Fargo Force Reading Prizes--SPICY PIE FREEBIE!!  February and March calendar readers who reach 1100 minutes over the course of the 2 months will receive a free FARGO FORCE HOCKEY TICKET!

3. Febuary Classroom Calendars are coming home tonight.  You will find all of our special events on the calendar including Chess Club (for those who are members), PTA Meeting, End of Trimester 3, February Birthday Party, Casual Picture Day and the first day of Winter Parent-Teacher Conferences! 

4. Parent-Teacher Conferences Slips.  Please confirm that the scheduled time works for you and send back the note with suggested topics of discussion! I'm looking forward to sharing with you what the students have been working on so far this year!

5. Casual Picture Day forms are also coming home today!  They will be taken Wednesday February 13th. All students will be photographed.  A week after the pictures are taken, you will recieve proofs and then can decide what/if you would like to order. Please dress your children appropriately that day! I will also put a reminder in their agendas!

Have a great Thursday!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Free Everyday Math Apps!

Have an iPad, iPod or iPhone?

A few Everyday Math Apps are FREE today!

I am including the McGraw Hill link so you can see all of the free apps available. J  Once you go to the McGraw Hill page click on View all Apps. Click on See All under the Mathematics Section and you will find all available at this time.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Where we came from...

In Social Studies, we have been talking about the big idea--HOW DO PEOPLE CHANGE COMMUNITIES?  We began by talking about the immigrants and refugees who have helped make Fargo-Moorhead a diverse community, but I wanted to take it a step further. I asked each of the students to come home and ask about their background--where did the generations before them immigrate from?  The students LOVED this!

Our class has ancestors from the following countries:
American Indian
French Candadian

The kids came back with stories about their great-grandparents. Some brought pictures and a few more even brought memorabilia!  It was SO cool!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Lots of new stuff going on!

Lots of great stuff happening next week! Remember--no school Monday!
Reading- "Lon Po Po"--a great version of "The Little Red Riding Hood." We will be comparing and contrasting like texts in speaking, listening, reading and writing activities this week! We will hear multiple version of "The Little Red Riding Hood" and enjoy other folk and fairy tales throughout the week! We will also continue our work on adjectives--this time working on comparative (more) and superlative (most). 
Math- We are continuing work in Geometry. We will talk about quadrangles (2 dimensional, 4 vertices, 4 sides, and 4 angles).  Talk about different quad- words with your children to see if they recognize the similarities!  (Quadruplets, quadrant, quadrilateral, quadruple, quadrupled) We will also continue work on polygons and angles!!  Lots and lots of hands-on activities will be happening. Check for a homelink each night to practice the skill we have learned that day!  Also, ask your kids to find angles in everyday objects--you might be surprised at how their math vocabulary works this week!
Science- Magnets with Miss Argall :)
Social Studies- How people change communties--we will continue talk about immigrants and where our families came from.  New vocab words we will learn this week are: ethnic group, diverse & architecture!  If you have any stories to share from the generations before us, feel free to send them with your kids and we will find time to share them with the group!
Writing- We will be working on homophones. Our writing program has such an awesome way for students to check their spelling and understanding of the words "there, their, and they're" as well as "to, two, and too."  We will work on ways to remember the correct spelling of other common homophones as well!

Other important reminders:

**Midterm reports went home today--please read them over with your child and celebrate their success!  There is a form to sign and return to show that you have gone over it with your child! I'm very happy about the forward progress of our class--we will just keep on trucking.  I'm trying a few new options to boost Math-Concepts & Applications as well as Fluency so our scores fly even higher in the Spring!

**Reading bags--these haven't gone home since Christmas.  Mrs. Murray started having the students in literature circles--reading a chapter of a book together with your group each day. Some days are with the teacher, some are without.  This seemed to be going really well that I've continued it--just adding another piece--WRITING.  Each day, the students are expected to write about the chapter that they have read. Their writing should be precise enough that if a friend was absent that day, they could read it and know what was going on in the story while they were gone!

**Read Aloud--the kids are LOVING the GOOSEBUMPS series. This was one of my favorites as a kid, so I grabbed one for read aloud this week to see what the kids thought---THEY LOVE IT!  Many are saying that they want to check them out from the library---and they moan and groan when I close the book at the end of read aloud because the author leaves them hanging! 

Until next time,
Mrs. Steinbrink

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Winter weather reminders

Winter Weather Reminder--

By the sounds of it, we are going to be experiencing some less than ideal weather in the next few days! 
Please remember to send ALL OF THE FOLLOWING with your children for their safety:
*Winter Jacket that zips
*Gloves or Mittens
*Winter boots

Students must have all of those items to be safe and comfortable outside before school, during recess and when they leave the building--whether it's by walking or riding the bus!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I'm Back!

Hello Parents!

I just wanted to remind everyone that I am returning to school Wednesday, January 9, 2013.  I'm looking forward to seeing all of the students tomorrow. 

I've been in my classroom for most of the evening checking to be sure that I'm ready to go for tomorrow and I've come across a few things I want to mention!

1. Book orders have not yet been sent out this month. I will be sending them out sometime this week. To start the new year off right, every family who spends $5 or more on books will receive a book worth up to $5 free!!  What a great offer from Scholastic!

2. Milk Break payments are due for the 2nd half of the year for students who have not paid yet.  The half year fee is $31.50. Please make that payment to the office if you would like your child to receive milk or juice during snack break.  Feel free to e-mail me if you are unsure of whether or not you have paid for the 2nd half of the year.

3. We still have snack break daily.  Please send a healthy snack with your students each day. We do have a cooler if the snack needs refridgerated.  Also, if you are able to send extra snacks for students in our classroom who are unable to bring snack each day, please do so!

I'm sure I will add more to this in the next few days so keep an eye out!  Happy to be back!

Mrs. Steinbrink