Wednesday, April 24, 2013

May Calendars & Book Orders

Dear Parents,
I sent home our MAY CALENDAR and May BOOK ORDERS today with your children!  The May calendar was packed full of fun stuff, so I wanted to be sure I let you know as much as possible ahead of time!  If you have questions about any of the dates or events, please e-mail me @

We have 2 field trips planned for May as well as a Talent Show--which many students are looking forward to!

Our 3rd Grade Talent Show tryouts are tentatively set for next Friday (MAY 3rd) in the afternoon.  Please practice-practice-practice with your child so they are prepared with the performance they would like to do at the show. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Family Fun Night Fundraiser

I would just like to take a minute to honestly and sincerely thank each and everyone of the parents/families that donated money or gifts for our Silent Auction baskets. My classroom is OVERFLOWING with donations from the 3rd grade classrooms alone!
I am getting so excited for the Family Fun Night and I hope that each and every one of your families can make it priority to come and support the Schaeffer family! 

I still plan to go out and purchase items for a few more baskets with the cash donations we received. THANK YOU-THANK YOU-THANK YOU!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Math Parent Letter 9.14

Today you will find a Math Parent Letter 9.14. It will introduce you to the upcoming Unit--MEASUREMENT! It also includes answers for all of the Homelinks to help you check your children's work before they return with it to school!

Spring 2013 Midterms

Spring 2013 Midterms are coming home with your kiddos today! They are printed on purple and folded in half. 
Inside the midterms, you will find:
Math, Reading, Writing, Science & Social Studies: (Graded on a 3-2-1 scale. 3 means A or B, 2 means C, 1 means D or lower)
 If you have questions on specific percentages, please contact me and I would love to give you that information! :)

You will also find behaviors: (Graded X, I or ____)
X shows an area of concern
I shows an area of improvement
___ shows no concern!

Please contact me if you have ANY questions at all!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pie in the Face Contest

In addition to the Silent Auction & Carnival, we are having a change drive to see who will get a pie in their face!  We are asking students to bring in change the next 2 weeks. The children will have a choice of who's jar to put their change in---

Mrs. Joyce???

Mr. Behm???

Mrs. Albrecht???

The staff member with the most money in their jar will get a pie throw in their face at the school carnival!  Can't wait to see you there!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Snow Day F-U-N!!!

 Days like today help me to enjoy my job even more than ever!  Pure JOY was apparent outside today at recess!
 Mrs. Joyce gathered up supplies to help decorate snowmen!
 Look how tall this group of boys got their snowman! It was taller than Carson!!
 Adding the final touches--radishes for eyes, carrot for a nose and Nathan's hat on top! :)
 Can you believe it is April? 
 I wish the ground was not covered with a foot of snow, but let met tell you! The excitement that happened outside this morning made it all worth while!
 It took extra time to get all of the kids lined up for lunch as they were having SOOOO much fun!
Look at that tall skinny snowman! All the way up to the blue stripe on the school!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Testing

This week we will begin our MAP (Measures of Academic Progrees) Testing!

 Information directly from the NWEA website....


A Tool for Teachers

Created by educators for educators, MAP assessments provide detailed, actionable data about where each child is on their unique learning path. Because student engagement is essential to any testing experience, NWEA works with educators to create test items that interest children and help to capture detail about what they know and what they’re ready to learn. It’s information teachers can use in the classroom to help every child, every day.

Adapting the Test to the Student

MAP dynamically adapts to a student’s responses – as they take the test.
  • Answer a question correctly and the test presents a more challenging item
  • Miss a question, and MAP offers a simpler item
In this way, the test narrows in on a student’s learning level, engaging them with content that allows them to succeed.

Available Assessments

Delivered over the web or through your local network, MAP is a complete set of assessments aligned to national and state curricula and standards:
Language Arts

Our test schedule starts this Friday (April 12) at 8:30 AM for our Language Arts Test.

Please be sure your child goes to be early on Thursday night and arrives to school promptly on Friday morning.  Be sure they have a delicious and healthy breakfast and have had plenty of fresh air!  We will be assessed in Reading on May 1st and Math on May 3rd! 


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Box Tops for Education (Take 2)

Box tops for Education Contest!  This continues all April long! Last week we had an awesome response...let's do it again this week!!

All April long we will be in a competition with the other classrooms at Westside to see who can collect the most BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION to raise money for our school. Please send them with your child any day in April! Ask your neighbors, family members, co-workers—whoever you might think would purchase items with box tops on them!


Monday, April 8, 2013

4/8/13-4/12/13 High Frequency Words

Sorry I didn't get this out sooner.
Here's our High Frequency Word list for the week.

Students are to study the words on this list that they missed on today's assessment.  You will see them in their agendas beginning tomorrow!

1. recycle
2. discover
3. everything
4. everybody
5. myself
6. something
7. was
8. were
9. are
10. independent
11. into
12. question
13. confusion
14. unhappiness
15. underneath
16. distant
17. reduce
18. redo
19. undo
20. carefully

Silent Auction HELP!

Silent Auction Help!

The Westside Carnival is coming up on May 2nd. This year, we are doing something a little different. All proceeds from the carnival will be donated to a Westside family dealing with growing medical bills.

During the carnival there will be a Silent Auction with gift baskets people can bid on. The school is pulling together to create baskets. Our class will be putting together a basket to put in the Silent Auction. We came up with a basket idea and brainstormed items to include in the basket.

 Please see the lists below and if you are able to, help us fill our basket! You may either purchase and send NEW items to go with the basket theme, or you can send money and I will purchase the items to include in the basket. All items can be sent to our classroom with your child starting now through April 19th. At that time, I will finish the baskets and prepare them for the auction.

The kids are super excited for the carnival and that they are able to help out not only another 3rd grader in our school, but a whole family. Thank you so much for helping us help others. What a great lesson we are teaching. :) Mrs. Steinbrink

Beach Basket
List of Possibilities
*beach towel
*sand bucket and toys
*squirt gun
*beach ball/inner tube/ floaties
*diving rings/sticks/water toys
*snorkel goggles & flippers
*fishing net
*Any kind of ball
*swim cap
*Badmitton Rackets
*rubber duckie
*flip flops
*sun hat
*water bottle
*Kicking board
*sunflower seeds

** You do not have to follow the list, if you have other items in mind please feel free to purchase those as well. Thanks.

Here's our brainstorming list from today!