Monday, April 8, 2013

Silent Auction HELP!

Silent Auction Help!

The Westside Carnival is coming up on May 2nd. This year, we are doing something a little different. All proceeds from the carnival will be donated to a Westside family dealing with growing medical bills.

During the carnival there will be a Silent Auction with gift baskets people can bid on. The school is pulling together to create baskets. Our class will be putting together a basket to put in the Silent Auction. We came up with a basket idea and brainstormed items to include in the basket.

 Please see the lists below and if you are able to, help us fill our basket! You may either purchase and send NEW items to go with the basket theme, or you can send money and I will purchase the items to include in the basket. All items can be sent to our classroom with your child starting now through April 19th. At that time, I will finish the baskets and prepare them for the auction.

The kids are super excited for the carnival and that they are able to help out not only another 3rd grader in our school, but a whole family. Thank you so much for helping us help others. What a great lesson we are teaching. :) Mrs. Steinbrink

Beach Basket
List of Possibilities
*beach towel
*sand bucket and toys
*squirt gun
*beach ball/inner tube/ floaties
*diving rings/sticks/water toys
*snorkel goggles & flippers
*fishing net
*Any kind of ball
*swim cap
*Badmitton Rackets
*rubber duckie
*flip flops
*sun hat
*water bottle
*Kicking board
*sunflower seeds

** You do not have to follow the list, if you have other items in mind please feel free to purchase those as well. Thanks.

Here's our brainstorming list from today!

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