Monday, April 15, 2013

Snow Day F-U-N!!!

 Days like today help me to enjoy my job even more than ever!  Pure JOY was apparent outside today at recess!
 Mrs. Joyce gathered up supplies to help decorate snowmen!
 Look how tall this group of boys got their snowman! It was taller than Carson!!
 Adding the final touches--radishes for eyes, carrot for a nose and Nathan's hat on top! :)
 Can you believe it is April? 
 I wish the ground was not covered with a foot of snow, but let met tell you! The excitement that happened outside this morning made it all worth while!
 It took extra time to get all of the kids lined up for lunch as they were having SOOOO much fun!
Look at that tall skinny snowman! All the way up to the blue stripe on the school!

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