Thursday, August 29, 2013

Behavior Chart

Each evening I try to post the students names that went above the line to Good Day-Great Job-Outstanding-Super Oustanding on our behavior chart onto the STUDENT RECOGNITION page on the blog. If you are reading this on a phone right now you might see a white bar near the top of the page under "Mrs. Steinbrink's 3rd Grade Class! You should be able to click on "What's going on in room 303?" and change it to any other page on the blog. I haven't updated them all yet from last year, but I have begun to add names to the Student Recognition Page. If you are on a computer, the list of 'pages' is on the left hand side: click STUDENT RECOGNITION. Ask you child to explain our behavior chart and ask them how they earn rewards in our classroom. I hope that my explanation isn't too confusing! :) And, today was anothe great day! I showed the students what our new keyboarding program will look like as well as book adventure--a place where we can take quizzes on books that we read. We reviewed routines and practiced positive behaviors. We also did a few beginning of the year assessments!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Snack Break

This year we have been blessed with FREE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES again like when your children were in 1st grade! We will have this opportunity Tuesdays-Fridays! On Mondays, students will still need to bring a snack to share. If possible, please send a large box or a couple small boxes of healthy snacks with your child to put in our Monday snack cupboard. Students can also bring in their own snacks on those days! Thanks for all you do!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Is Student Council Right for You? (3rd-5th Grade)

What is Student Council? This question could be ringing around in your head dying for the anser. Well, here it is! If you are interested in being a student council representative this year, then here is what you have to do. First, you should complete the application form (printed on blue paper in the front school hallway near the office) and have a community member write a short essay about why they feel you would make a good student council representative. Then you will write a short essay about why you think you would be a GREAT student council representative. Two students per class will be chosen as representatives. Each student will share their essay and the essay a community member wrote about them with their class on September 2, 2013. Then each classroom will vote to see who will become their student council representatives. It's a BIG responsibility. Below are listed five of the most important characteristics. 1. Be a role model and demonstrate leadership in the classroom, school and community. 2. Promote school spirit and pride in our school. 3. Attend all general meetings (first Monday of each month) of the Student Council and committee meetings (held at different times throughout the year). 4. Help plan activities and make important decisions as a representative of your school. 5. Talk and listen to other students in your class and bring their ideas and concerns to each meeting. **If you think your child would do great in this position, please have them fill out the application and bring the necessary materials to class on Tuesday, September 2!

First Day of School

What a great first day! It went SOO fast! Here's a quick snapshot of your kiddos!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Back to School Night

I'm looking forward to meeting my new students tonight! Ahhh, a new school year! This is one of my favorite times of year!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Back to School

Well, now that I have been in my classroom working for a few weeks, I finally feel like I'm ready to be "back to school!" I'm looking forward to meeting my new students as well as working with a few new teachers! Our school district is GROWING SOOOO quickly! This year, we currently have 4 teachers in 3rd grade at Westside! You all remember Mrs. Farkas. She taught 2nd grade for a few years before making her move, looping with her 2nd grade class to 3rd grade during the 2012-2013 school year! Miss Argall is also still here....only now she has a new name! Mrs. Jenson! She was married in July and we couldn't be more excited for her and her new husband, Lance! We also have a new teacher in 3rd grade. Ms. Goetz will be in the room connected to mine! She just moved back to ND from the Carolina's, where she had been teaching since she graduated from UND (same year is me!) Such a small world! Like I said earlier, I'm sooo excited to get my class list and continue preparations for the new year!