Thursday, August 29, 2013

Behavior Chart

Each evening I try to post the students names that went above the line to Good Day-Great Job-Outstanding-Super Oustanding on our behavior chart onto the STUDENT RECOGNITION page on the blog. If you are reading this on a phone right now you might see a white bar near the top of the page under "Mrs. Steinbrink's 3rd Grade Class! You should be able to click on "What's going on in room 303?" and change it to any other page on the blog. I haven't updated them all yet from last year, but I have begun to add names to the Student Recognition Page. If you are on a computer, the list of 'pages' is on the left hand side: click STUDENT RECOGNITION. Ask you child to explain our behavior chart and ask them how they earn rewards in our classroom. I hope that my explanation isn't too confusing! :) And, today was anothe great day! I showed the students what our new keyboarding program will look like as well as book adventure--a place where we can take quizzes on books that we read. We reviewed routines and practiced positive behaviors. We also did a few beginning of the year assessments!

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