Friday, March 14, 2014

March 17-19 Spelling Lists

We will have a spelling list for the week of March 17-19.
Our lists are as follows:

List A (short/long vowels):
dish          rich
life           nice
nine         mice
gift           flip
thin          drive
give         five
prize        hike
swim       spill
twig         knife
clip          kick
dice         spills
flips        dishes

List B (other vowels):
good         troop
fool          should
noon          proof
root          soot
hook        crook
hoop         could
stool        hood
would       tool
cool          foot
wood         brook
groom       wool
stood        roost

List C (syllable junctures):
silent           finger
matter         fever
female         pillow
number        yellow
sister           basket
chapter        follow
blanket         problem
stupid          pattern
happen          bottom
winter          member
butter          water
moment        window

List D (unaccented final syllables):
cattle              cancel
pencil             special
total               journal
novel             towel
couple            final
jewel              April
signal             angel
evil                metal
model           fragile
level             vowel
saddle         angle
fossil           local

List E (harder suffixes):
prewar             prejudge
afterword        forecourt
preseason        prefix
afternoon        aftertaste
postseason        forethought
postdate           afterthought
foreordain        postcolonial
forewarn          preoccupied
postwar           preposition
foreword         predetermine
forearm          foreknowledge
predate           preexisting

List F (bases and roots):
quadruple            pentathlon
pentagon              tetrapod
tetrarchy              decimate
decathlon            quadrant
quintessence        quintuple
quadruped            quadruplets
quintessential       pentangle
quadrennial          tetralogy
tetrad                    decathlete
decimal                pentathlete
quintuplets           pentarchy
quadrangle           pentad

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