Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week of October 20

This week in 4th Grade:

Math:  We will continue to work on multiplication strategies through number sentences, number stories , fact practice and creating our own number sentences. Home links will come home each evening!  When you have time (or energy) please visit XTRAMATH.ORG
Social Studies: We will spend out last week of the US Regions studying our very own region-the MIDWEST!  We will be studying the states, capitals and abbreviations. We will also be researching different topics relating to the midwest and presenting our findings on Friday.
Science:  No science this week-we will resume next week once we have completed our US regions studies.
Writing: This week in writing we are working on a new revision strategy called BUILDING THE PARAGRAPH. This week, I will model how to identify a weak paragraph by the characteristics it has, how to build the weak paragraph and how to rewrite our paragraph to make it great!
Spelling:  Week 8 Spelling lists are now available!  Visit SPELLING CITY to find your child's list. They can practice on that website through games and practice tests. You can also print a copy of their list if you need to!
Reading Comprehension:  This week we will be using the comprehension strategy of SUMMARIZING to help us better comprehend a text involving the MIDWEST states. We will even be writing on our desks--ask your child about it! Please encourage your child to read each and every night. Have them self monitor their reading using the VISUALIZING OR QUESTIONING strategy!
Daily 6:  This week each reading group will meet with me 2-3 times working on the strategy of QUESTIONING using texts at their instructional reading level!  During this time, they will be building their cooperative learning skills as well as begin to think more deeply about different types of texts. While I'm working with groups-all other students will participate in the following other activities on a rotating basis: WORD WORK-spelling&cursive, WRITING-personal narrative&freewrite, MATH-enrichment binder&math games, READ TO SELF-independent books of their choice & READ TO SOMEONE-read a book or 2 of choice with a group member
Word Study: We will be working on LONG & SHORT A patterns.  Expect to see homework home 2 times this week.

Extra fun things: 
1. We have a counselor lesson on Thursday morning and library check out in the afternoon. Let's work hard to get all of our books turned in on time so we can get a class award for no overdue books!
2. Ms. Tiani will be here on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. She is our 32 hour practicum student from MSU-Moorhead.

Things to Note: I am out of the building on Wednesday at an Advanc-Ed School Accreditation work session to prepare for our district visit coming this spring.

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