Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Buster Party

Today we earned Buster, the bulldog for excellent lunch room behavior! We earned a 9 minute :) party at the end of the day!
They've been working hard to improve their behavior in the lunch room. Please express to them how proud you are of them! I am proud of them too!

December Mystery Readers

Calling All

I would like to invite any parents, older siblings, grandparents, relatives, or other special people to surprise your child by being a “Mystery Reader” this next month in our classroom. Students love having their family, friends, and relatives visit our classroom to share in our learning by reading a favorite Holiday/winter story aloud to our class. Mystery Readers will visit us from 12:15-12:40pm each day. After reading, you may eat lunch with your child if you would like to purchase an adult lunch! Lunch starts at 1:00. Readers are asked to bring a book to read. Holiday theme is preferred, but any favorite title will be great!

If you can find a date that works for you, please sign up to be a Mystery Reader on Sign Up Genius! There are many open dates to choose from. Some highlight mystery readers from years past include: moms and dads, our principals and superintendent, cafeteria helpers, and grandmas and grandpas!

If you can visit, please sign up on
Remember to make your visit a surprise, and not tell the kids that you are coming in advance! I will also need 5 clues about yourself before you arrive, so I can prep the kids for who might be coming. Please send those via email lsteinbrink@west-fargo.k12.nd.us

THANK YOU!                    Mrs. Steinbrink

Thursday, November 13, 2014

My Veteran came to visit

Elliot, my husband came to visit today in honor of Veteran's Day. He's been in the Air National Guard for 12 years and served overseas 3 times before we had children. The kids had a great time asking him a bunch of questions.
We also ended our time with a push-up contest--basic training style!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week of November 10-14

We have a jam packed 4-day week. We do not have school on Tuesday for Veteran's Day.

Spelling-each group of students will have a week 11 list. It is their job on Monday morning to write it into their agenda. If for some reason you do not see it written into their agenda when you sign it Monday night, log on to www.spellingcity.com/loristeinbrink to find it. Have them write is down at home. They are the same list letter each week so they should remember what list they are on!

Word Story-long and short o--looking at these spelling patterns and noticing how they help us to become better readers, writers and spellers

Science/Social Studies-We will be working on summarizing non-fiction text. We also have a counselor lesson Monday.

Math-We are continuing our studying of decimals and their uses. Expect to see homelinks home on Monday, Thursday & Friday

Reading-Text Connect-we will be using Myths this week to see how genres connect and can help us understand them better by making predictions, inferences and asking meaningful questions

Daily 5-We will be working on student level-specific passages and stories to help us SUMMARIZE at our own guided reading level

As always, ask if you have any questions!

Week 11 Spelling Lists

Week 11 Spelling lists have been published.
Please have your child spend time each night at home practicing their words.

The skill of keyboarding is so important and any opportunity that you or I can give your child to correctly use the computer (home row, eyes off the keys), the more success they will find in activities involving that type of technology.
www.spellingcity.com/loristeinbrink  is a perfect opportunity to practice proper keyboarding techniques in a simple environment.


Friday, November 7, 2014

Illness Policy

If your child has a fever, is vomiting or has diarrhea they cannot come to school. Children who have a fever cannot return until 24 hours after the fever has subsided without the use of fever reducing medication. Children who are vomiting or have diarrhea cannot return to school until they have been symptom free for 24 hours.   

Monday, November 3, 2014

Turkey in Disguise

Turkey In Disguise
Dear Fourth Grade Family:
We need your help! Attached to this letter you will find a turkey and a piece of writing paper. Help this turkey make it safely past Thanksgiving this year by disguising him so that people will NOT eat him.
Turkeys that have made it through past year have been dressed like ballerinas, hula dancers, football players, Elvis, and much more! Please have FUN and BE CREATIVE!! If you are having troubles thinking of an idea you can google “Turkey in Disguise” and come up with many options.
You may use anything you can think of to decorate your turkey. Turkeys in the past have been decorated with crayons, macaroni, craft feathers, tissue paper, dried beans, rice, clothes and shoes cut from newspaper ads, ribbon, felt, tinfoil, etc.
Please follow these directions when disguising your turkey:
1.    Cut out the turkey.
2.    Glue the turkey together on the tabs.
3.    Decide how you will disguise your turkey and have fun!!!
4.    Write an 8- 10 sentence paragraph on the attached paper (or typed on the computer) about how your turkey’s disguise will convince someone to NOT cook him for Thanksgiving dinner
5.    Return to school by: November 10, 2014 or as soon as you finish! The faster you bring them in the faster the rest of the school will see them above your locker!! Can’t wait to see them! J