Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week of November 10-14

We have a jam packed 4-day week. We do not have school on Tuesday for Veteran's Day.

Spelling-each group of students will have a week 11 list. It is their job on Monday morning to write it into their agenda. If for some reason you do not see it written into their agenda when you sign it Monday night, log on to to find it. Have them write is down at home. They are the same list letter each week so they should remember what list they are on!

Word Story-long and short o--looking at these spelling patterns and noticing how they help us to become better readers, writers and spellers

Science/Social Studies-We will be working on summarizing non-fiction text. We also have a counselor lesson Monday.

Math-We are continuing our studying of decimals and their uses. Expect to see homelinks home on Monday, Thursday & Friday

Reading-Text Connect-we will be using Myths this week to see how genres connect and can help us understand them better by making predictions, inferences and asking meaningful questions

Daily 5-We will be working on student level-specific passages and stories to help us SUMMARIZE at our own guided reading level

As always, ask if you have any questions!

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