Tuesday, November 18, 2014

December Mystery Readers

Calling All

I would like to invite any parents, older siblings, grandparents, relatives, or other special people to surprise your child by being a “Mystery Reader” this next month in our classroom. Students love having their family, friends, and relatives visit our classroom to share in our learning by reading a favorite Holiday/winter story aloud to our class. Mystery Readers will visit us from 12:15-12:40pm each day. After reading, you may eat lunch with your child if you would like to purchase an adult lunch! Lunch starts at 1:00. Readers are asked to bring a book to read. Holiday theme is preferred, but any favorite title will be great!

If you can find a date that works for you, please sign up to be a Mystery Reader on Sign Up Genius! There are many open dates to choose from. Some highlight mystery readers from years past include: moms and dads, our principals and superintendent, cafeteria helpers, and grandmas and grandpas!

If you can visit, please sign up on
Remember to make your visit a surprise, and not tell the kids that you are coming in advance! I will also need 5 clues about yourself before you arrive, so I can prep the kids for who might be coming. Please send those via email lsteinbrink@west-fargo.k12.nd.us

THANK YOU!                    Mrs. Steinbrink

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