Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sickness Policy

If your child has a fever, is vomiting or has diarrhea they cannot come to school. Children who have a fever cannot return until 24 hours after the fever has subsided without the use of fever reducing medication. Children who are vomiting or have diarrhea cannot return to school until they have been symptom free for 24 hours.     

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Volunteers needed for bookfair during conferences!

Date: October 19-20                

Sign up for one hour shifts from 4:00-8:00 PM

Please sign up for the Independence Bookfair!
Everyone who volunteers for an hour at the Book Fair will receive a $10  Book Fair Gift Certificate.

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/UJfXcH
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!

Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Online Conference Scheduling for Parents

West Fargo Public Schools Online Conference Scheduler for Parents 1
Online Conference Scheduling for Parents
 Follow the link to the Freedom Elementary Conference site. http://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Freedom
 Select your child or children’s teacher or teachers and click Submit.
 Enter your student’s first name, last name, the name(s) of parents attending, and your email address before clicking Submit.
West Fargo Public Schools Online Conference Scheduler for Parents 2
 You are now registered. Next, you need to book a conference time.
 Please check the email account that you just provided when registering for an email message like the one shown here. If you do not receive this email, please be sure to check your Junk or Spam email folders.
 The email you receive will have a link for you to follow and select a specific conference time. Click the link that
says “Click here to select conference time.” If you are unable to click the link, log on to the site noted and use the code provided.
West Fargo Public Schools Online Conference Scheduler for Parents 3
 You will now see all of the available time slots for your child’s teacher. If you selected more than one teacher, you will see each of the teachers’ schedules listed to find the available openings that work best for you. Click the time slot you would like to book.
 If your child receives special services from any teacher outside of their regular classroom teachers, please sign up between the following dates and times. All other teachers will only be available to visit with you during the times below.
Monday, Oct. 19th – 4:00pm-7:45pm
Tuesday, Oct. 20th – 4:00pm-7:45pm
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
 You will see your child’s name appear in the selected time slot. Click submit to confirm your request or if you need to make a different request, click the Remove appointment box at the top of the list.
West Fargo Public Schools Online Conference Scheduler for Parents 4
 When you have successfully booked your time, you will get this Thank You page.
 You will also receive an email to confirm your scheduled conference time. This email
will contain a link back to the site if you need to make any changes. The online scheduling page will be active until October 11th.
 Please contact the Freedom Elementary Office at 701-356-5221 if you have any questions. They will also be able to schedule you for your conferences if necessary.

9/25/2015 Independence Newsletter


Bulldog Clothing Reminder

You can order Bulldog clothing @ http://stores.blue84spirit.com/N868
on or before October 18!

Picture Day Friday

Please be sure to turn in your picture forms on or before this Friday, October 9!

Are you in need of Winter Gear?

Salvation Army
Winter Gear Distribution

                                                        Salvation Army
Distribution Center
1503 1st Ave. N
Moorhead, MN
October 10th and
the 12th - 15th

 Cold weather is coming! Do you need winter gear? This year’s winter apparel distribution will be Saturday October 10th and Monday October 12th through the 15th at the Salvation Army   Distribution Center. Winter gear is available to all members of the household.

Note: Snow pants are not provided. You must buy these on your own.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Medical Forms

FYI: If your child doesn't have medical needs that need to be addressed with the school, you no longer need to read on! :)

If you have filled out a Medical form in the past and have yet to complete it this year, please check your child's backpack tonight. Tracy Price, our school nurse requested that we send home to students who have had them in the past!

This week's school newsletter


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First Day of Fourth Grade

We had a GREAT first couple days of Fourth Grade! We spent a lot of time getting to know each other and getting our classroom organized in order to have a smooth and successful fourth grade year! We dove right in today and started reading Because of Winn Dixie, and the students seem super excited about it. I know I am!

Parents: Don't forget to sign up on the Remind App for important reminders from Miss Bales and Mrs. Steinbrink throughout the year. It is completely safe and will help you stay in the loop on what we are doing in the classroom this year! It's extremely easy and you don't even need a smart phone!

  • Text @0b4e4 to the number 81010 OR 
  • Send an email to 0b4e4@mail.remind.com

You can also log onto classdojo.com to track your child's behavior in class throughout the school day. Each family should have received a sheet with their child's name on it and a code that you can use to register so you are able to see their class!

Due to the fact that I (Miss Bales) have not been given a district email yet, feel free to send me any messages on Class Dojo with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your child!

I look forward getting to know all the amazing students in this class!

Miss Bales

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bismarck Field Trip Photos (From Heidi)

Thank you Heidi (Breanna's Mom) for sharing these awesome photos from the Bismarck Field Trip!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 11-15 Homework

Here are the homework assignments and notes for the week of May 11-15, 2015

Monday, May 11: Math SL 12.4; practice spelling,  Read & Record Uncle Maddio's Pizza w/ Guided Reading/ Choice book minutes

Tuesday, May 12: Math SL 12.5; practice spelling,  Read & Record Uncle Maddio's Pizza w/ Guided Reading/ Choice book minutes

Wednesday, May 13: Math SL 12.6; practice spelling, Read & Record Uncle Maddio's Pizza w/ Guided Reading/ Choice book minutes

Thursday, May 14: Math Test tomorrow; Read & Record Uncle Maddio's Pizza w/ Guided Reading/ Choice book minutes, practice spelling

Friday, May 15: Read & Record Uncle Maddio's Pizza w/ Guided Reading/Choice book minutes

Valentine's Day Pictures

 Here are some pictures from Valentine's Day!