Monday, February 25, 2013

A Big Day for the Earth Poster Presentations

Today was the big day! We did our rotating poster presentations--with half of the class presenting and the other half of the class observing and questioning. All of the students did such a wonderful job and seemed like they were having so much fun during this project! I'm really proud of them-and you should be too!
 Nate & Nate
 Dante & Jon
 Mykei & Alana
 Isabelle & Manuela
 Calvin & Jack
 Tanner & Dawson
 Katie, Tara & Andy
 Dalyn & Aidan
 Hadi & Ahmed
Katilyn & Peyton

Friday, February 22, 2013

Nonfiction Research

I am so excited to share all of the hard work our class has been doing with non-fiction research!  Our Social Studies curriculum has some pretty great leveled readers on extension topics from our Social Studies Text book.  One skill we have recently been trained on as teachers has to do with non-fiction research. This is my first final product with the studenst.  They worked in small groups while reading the text and then I broke the groups down even more and partnered the students up to create a poster showing what they learned from the story, "A Big Day for the Earth."  Each group will be presenting their learning next week--I'm just as excited to see that!
 Manuela & Isabelle using their text to help prepare themselves for their presentation.
 Peyton & Katilyn working hard on their poster!
 Tara, Andy & Katie working on making their Earth look just perfect!
 Dalyn & Aidan with their 'neon' Earth.
 Nate & Nate :)
 Carson & Travis working hard on the details!
 Hadi & Ahmed with their HUGE Earth!
 Tanner & Dawson!
Dante & Jonathon

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Monday's Training

On Monday, before the blizzard sent us home, we listened to a wonderful presenter-Willow Sweeney. She shared with us great information about being Top 20 Teachers!  I plan to use and incorporate these strategies into my daily teaching!

I also plan to consider purchasing two of the other books her company has written:  Top 20 Parents!  This book looks like it is geared for parents of children 8 years and under!

Another one that may pertain to some of your older children is Top 20 Teens!

Here's an excerpt from a blog regarding the Top 20s and POTENTIAL....


Top 20s and Potential

by Paul Bernabei

Top 20 people develop potential in themselves and others.

What is potential?

Potential is a power inside each person that waits and waits and waits to get activated and, when it does, comes out to make a positive difference in the quality of his or her life, relationships, and experiences.

Furthermore, when potential develops in an individual, it makes a difference in the lives of other people as well. Potential, quite simply, is a power inside each person that wants to come out and make a positive difference in his or her life.

What happens to that potential?

For some people, nothing happens to it. Although they have potential, it never get activated, its’ not developing, and all of our training talks about reasons why that happens. For others, their potential develops at a normal rate. These people are doing okay. We call folks in these two groups the Bottom 80. But for people in a third group, their potential explodes. Their potential develops at an accelerated rate. They are the Top 20.

What makes the difference between Top 20 and Bottom 80s?

When we operate as a Top 20 person, we think, learn, and communicate, or TLC, in highly effective ways. When we operate as bottom 80s, our thinking, learning, and communicating is highly ineffective. In a real sense, each person is a Top 20. At times each person thinks, learns, and communicates in highly effective ways. Likewise, each person is a bottom 80 who, at times, thinks, learns, and communicates in highly ineffective ways.

Consequently, when we use this Top 20 and Bottom 80 language, we are not comparing ourselves to other people. It’s simply a way of our understanding these two dimensions about ourselves: a Top 20 dimension when we TLC in highly effective ways and a Bottom 80 dimension when we TLC in highly ineffective ways.

The purpose of all Top 20 training and materials is to help people become aware of Top 20 and Bottom 80 ways of thinking, learning and communicating. We will all, at times, operate in Bottom 80 ineffective ways. However, with that awareness we can more quickly move back in the Top 20 direction and choose more effective ways of thinking, learning, and communicating.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Whoa-what an afternoon!

Whoa! What an afternoon!!  Our Valentine's party was a huge success! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! to the parents who sent snacks and helped out!  It was a great time! I'm waiting on some more high quality pictures from Peyton's mom and will post those as soon as I get thsoe, but here's a snack peak of our fun afternoon!

Andy trying to maneuver a pretzel from his nose to his mouth in our Minute to Win It game-"Pretzel Face!"

Valentine's Conversations!

 More group conversations....what would you do if your valentine......?
 Heart Stack--in a minute transfer as many candy hearts as possible into a stack--don't let it fall before the timer goes off!
Marshmallow Toss--toss as many marshmallows into a cup as you can in a minute from behind the line.  Looks like Aidan took a step over. :)

 Conversation time with Mr. Joos!
 More Pretzel Face! This was SOOOO funny to watch!
Heart Transfer...move as many candy hearts from one plate to another with chopsticks as possible in a minute!

A Time of Giving Things Up....

Many of you are participating in 'giving things' up this Lenten season!  I've tried to give things up for several years, and always end up getting frustrated if I can't follow through on any given day.  So, this year I decided to do something a little different!  This year instead of giving something up, I am DOING SOMETHING!  I told your children today what I decided to do over the next 44 days!  I've set a goal for myself to run 100 miles by Easter Sunday!  I said it aloud, I posted it to my friends on face book, and I asked friends to join me.....

Then this morning on my way to the gym, I calculated it in my brain....  Did I really just agree to run 3 or more miles for 34 out of the 44 days until Easter. Wow! Considering a few weeks ago, I hadn't exercised in MONTHS....since the Fargo Marathon 10K last year, this was quite a lofty goal. But, if on any given day I decide to not run, I don't have to completely forfeit my goal.  I can make it up the next day. It may not be fun running 4, 5, 6, 7 or maybe even 8 miles if I miss a few, but I don't have to stop working toward my goal!

In light of that, I am challenging the students to be active as many days as possible for the remainder of the school year. Even for myself in my home, I spend way too much time in the evening on my iPad, on my phone, at the computer, watching TV....not moving my body! 

Can you take the challenge??

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Change in the Kindness Day Schedule

Please note the dress up day change for Wednesday, February 13, 2013!
It was originally scheduled to be "Crazy Day" Dress in your craziest outfit.'s also the day we are scheduled to have casual picture day, so needless to say--please don't send your child in their craziest outfit. Instead, please send them in their FAVORITE outfit!

Hope you have a safe weekend! And hope to see you Monday!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Feb 11-15, 2013

Here's what's on the agenda for next week!

Math--Multiplication, Multiplication, Multiplication. Expect a homelink or practice page home each night this week!

Reading--We are working on theme. Each day, we will read a different picture book and discuss the theme and why it is an important lesson to learn.  On Friday, we will be taking an assessment on theme! 

Read Aloud--Who remembers the classic...."Where the Red Fern Grows"  We started reading this book this past week and will continue to enjoy it next week.

Spelling--We are still working hard at morphographic spelling this week!  Ask your children what morphographs are!  mis-, un-, -able, -ness, -less  You might be surprised!

Grammar--We are reviewing Contractions as well as working on Awesome Adjectives and Vigorous Verbs!

Writing--We are continuing work on Expository Writing. This is really fun, and it helps students prepare for standardized tests!  We will be writing about the perfect birthday gift as well as if we could visit anywhere, where would it be and why!?

Social Studies--We are learning about immigrants and how they have changed our community.

Science--Electricity with Miss Argall! :)

Practicum Students--We continue to get extra help from Mr. Joos and Miss Selisker from Concordia College!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Kindness Week-February 11th-15th, 2013

Kindness Week

February 11th-15th

Monday February 11th “Kindness Week Kick-off”

                    Wear your favorite sports clothing

Tuesday February 12th “Sweet Dreams of Kindness”

Wear your PJ’s

Wednesday February 13th “Go Crazy for Kindness”

Dress in you favorite outfit-Casual Picture Day!

Thursday February 14th “We Love Being Kind”

Wear red, white, and pink

Friday February 15th “Round Up” Kindness

     Dress like a cowboy/cowgirl

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Valentine's Day

          Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! We will be decorating bags later this week for our valentines to be put in, so there is no need to bring a box or bag!  On Monday, February 11th, the students can start bringing in their valentines to pass out during snack time! Please make sure your child is making a valentine out to each and every person in our classroom.  It is important to double check you have remembered everyone in the class, as we do not want any hurt feelings. We have 14 boys and 10 girls, which can be a little tricky to remember everyone; so included at the bottom of this letter is a class list to make sure you have everyone!!! J  We will open all of the valentines together on Thursday, February 14th, during our Valentine’s Day party in the afternoon. Thank you so much!

Names of Girls in our Class:                         Names of Boys in our Class:

*Peyton                                                        *Dawson

*Katilyn                                                        *Jonathon

*Katie                                                          *Aidan

*Elle                                                             *Carson

*Dalyn                                                                   *Jack

*Mykei                                                         *Andy

*Tara                                                           *Tanner

*Alana                                                          *Nathan

*Kylie                                                           *Travis

*Manuela                                                     *Hadi





 I am also looking for a few parent volunteers to help out in the classroom during our afternoon Valentine's Party.  I'm looking for parents who are available to help from 1-2:30. If you are able to come for any portion of that time, please e-mail me!  We will be doing games, opening Valentine's and having a special snack! If you are interested in helping me out by bringing part of the snack, please let me know as well!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Book Orders!

Hello parents!  I'm so excited to share all of the free books that our class earned at the last book order!  We received over 40 free books for our classroom library and the students are LOVING them!  Thank you for taking the time to promote reading in your home by ordering from the book orders and helping our classroom library to grow, grow, grow!

Book orders are due on February 8, so be sure to check it out!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Coming Up...

Camp Invention:  Camp Invention is an elementary STEM enrichment program that will be held this summer at Westside Elementary School during the week of June 3-7, 2013.  Children entering grades 1-6 will spend 1 week exploring exciting hands-on, cross-curriculum activites.  Staff-to-camper reations will be between 1:6 and 1:8, and the camp size will be between 35 and 110 campers.  West Fargo Public Schools has been chosen to partner with the non-profit Invent Now in North Canton, Ohio and the United States Patent and Trademark Office to offer this innovative educational outreach program.  Information went home Friday about registering for this awesome program!

Skateland: Westside Sweetheart Skate is Friday, February 15, 2013 from 5-7 pm. Admission is $3.50 including roller skates.  Inline rentals are $3 for the whole family.  Meal Deal! Hot Dot, Chips & Pepsi for $2.75!  Look for a pink half sheet in your children's home folder tonight!

Friday, February 1, 2013

100th Day of School

Yesterday was full of lots of fun and excitement!  We enjoyed working with the number 100 throughout the day--we walked through this door all day long, we danced to 100 a couple times, we wrote about what 5 things we would like to do before we are 100 and made comparisons with the number 100 as well!