Friday, February 8, 2013

Feb 11-15, 2013

Here's what's on the agenda for next week!

Math--Multiplication, Multiplication, Multiplication. Expect a homelink or practice page home each night this week!

Reading--We are working on theme. Each day, we will read a different picture book and discuss the theme and why it is an important lesson to learn.  On Friday, we will be taking an assessment on theme! 

Read Aloud--Who remembers the classic...."Where the Red Fern Grows"  We started reading this book this past week and will continue to enjoy it next week.

Spelling--We are still working hard at morphographic spelling this week!  Ask your children what morphographs are!  mis-, un-, -able, -ness, -less  You might be surprised!

Grammar--We are reviewing Contractions as well as working on Awesome Adjectives and Vigorous Verbs!

Writing--We are continuing work on Expository Writing. This is really fun, and it helps students prepare for standardized tests!  We will be writing about the perfect birthday gift as well as if we could visit anywhere, where would it be and why!?

Social Studies--We are learning about immigrants and how they have changed our community.

Science--Electricity with Miss Argall! :)

Practicum Students--We continue to get extra help from Mr. Joos and Miss Selisker from Concordia College!

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