Friday, February 22, 2013

Nonfiction Research

I am so excited to share all of the hard work our class has been doing with non-fiction research!  Our Social Studies curriculum has some pretty great leveled readers on extension topics from our Social Studies Text book.  One skill we have recently been trained on as teachers has to do with non-fiction research. This is my first final product with the studenst.  They worked in small groups while reading the text and then I broke the groups down even more and partnered the students up to create a poster showing what they learned from the story, "A Big Day for the Earth."  Each group will be presenting their learning next week--I'm just as excited to see that!
 Manuela & Isabelle using their text to help prepare themselves for their presentation.
 Peyton & Katilyn working hard on their poster!
 Tara, Andy & Katie working on making their Earth look just perfect!
 Dalyn & Aidan with their 'neon' Earth.
 Nate & Nate :)
 Carson & Travis working hard on the details!
 Hadi & Ahmed with their HUGE Earth!
 Tanner & Dawson!
Dante & Jonathon

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