Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Time of Giving Things Up....

Many of you are participating in 'giving things' up this Lenten season!  I've tried to give things up for several years, and always end up getting frustrated if I can't follow through on any given day.  So, this year I decided to do something a little different!  This year instead of giving something up, I am DOING SOMETHING!  I told your children today what I decided to do over the next 44 days!  I've set a goal for myself to run 100 miles by Easter Sunday!  I said it aloud, I posted it to my friends on face book, and I asked friends to join me.....

Then this morning on my way to the gym, I calculated it in my brain....  Did I really just agree to run 3 or more miles for 34 out of the 44 days until Easter. Wow! Considering a few weeks ago, I hadn't exercised in MONTHS....since the Fargo Marathon 10K last year, this was quite a lofty goal. But, if on any given day I decide to not run, I don't have to completely forfeit my goal.  I can make it up the next day. It may not be fun running 4, 5, 6, 7 or maybe even 8 miles if I miss a few, but I don't have to stop working toward my goal!

In light of that, I am challenging the students to be active as many days as possible for the remainder of the school year. Even for myself in my home, I spend way too much time in the evening on my iPad, on my phone, at the computer, watching TV....not moving my body! 

Can you take the challenge??

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