Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Trimester 1 Social Skills Celebration

Mrs. Laverdure is a Special Education Strategist in our building and she is involved in the morning meetings of all grade 3 classrooms. All 4 classrooms earned the opportunity to be involved in the TRIMESTER 1 Social Skills Celebration. Each class received a plaque to keep in their classrooms as well as the opportunity to hold the traveling trophy--a gumball machine. During our celebration today, the children were able to chew gum and the watched a short clip from "Finding Nemo" showing a group of fish working together!  She explained that as long as we continue to work together moving on the right path, we will succeed! Thanks Mrs. Laverdure for all of your hard work with our classroom!

November Student of the Month

Congratulations Matthew! He was our classroom's STUDENT OF THE MONTH!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Nov 18-22, 2013 Home Reading Winners

Congrats ASHO!  468 minutes last week! A-MA-ZING! Keep up the excellent work!

The following students have also already earned their FREE PIZZA HUT PIZZA for NOVEMBER: Asho, Zaylea, Benito, Tristan, Mitchell, Payton, Olivia & Max

December Calendar & Book Orders sent home today

I sent the December Calendar & December book orders home today!  Please make note of the book orders being due next Thursday, December 5th so they will be shipped before the Winter Break over Christmas.  If you plan to order books or items from the book order that you want to be a surprise to your children, please order them online, and then let me know which items you want me to hold for you to pick up...if that makes sense! :)
Please order online by debit/credit card or with a check so I don't have to deal with cash. :)  I sent home November's book order items today as well! Thank you to the parents that ordered!! 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Cute Multiplication Videos!

We are plugging away at MULTIPLICATION as you have probably noticed through our past few homelinks.  Here are a few videos we peeked at today to help us remember some of our multiplication fact problems!

3-4 minute video on the 9s finger trick

30 minute video breaking down each of the factors 0-12!

Ask your child what a factor means...and what a product means.,.see if they can recall from our conversation today!!

Let me know if you come across any other helpful videos for practicing multiplication on YOUTUBE or PINTEREST!


What causes a magnet to stick to an object? Can a magnet force another object to become a 'temporary' magnet?  How many objects can we get to stick together from one magnet?
Ask your kids all about magnets! They did so well this unit!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Why did the author write that?

Today, our class reviewed an article called, "Tough Talkin'!" Discussing Bullies and Other Problems."

We have been learning about WHY authors write what they do! We've broken it down into 3 areas that are Easy as P-I-E! P=Persuade, I=Inform, E=Entertain

Today, our article informed us about bullying and other problems that they face as students and the final question on our activity asked, "What can schools do about bullying?"  Their answers were so well written--I just had to share a few!

"They can have assemblies about bullying." -Zaylea
"Keep trying until they stop!" -Matthew
"Stand up for themselves until they stop!" -Macey
"Bystanders can actually help stand up to bullying or you can defend yourself." -Benito
"They can stand up to bullies and don't be a bully!" -Alexis
"Keep more eyes out for bullying." - Tristan

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tomorrow is....Backwards, Crazy, Mismatched Clothes and Hair DAY

Red Ribbon Week is full of Dress Up Days!  Make sure your child joins the fun!


Wednesday-Doing Drugs is CRAZY-Wear Backwards, Crazy, Mismatched Clothes, and Hair (no hair dye)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Red Ribbon Week Dress Up Days

Red Ribbon Week is full of Dress Up Days!  Make sure your child joins the fun!

Tuesday-WILDCATS Dream about being DRUG FREE-Wear your Pajamas

Wednesday-Doing Drugs is CRAZY-Wear Backwards, Crazy, Mismatched Clothes, and Hair (no hair dye)

Thursday-Do your "JOB" and don't do Drugs-Dress for your future occupation
Friday-Slam Dunk....Drugs are Junk-Dress like an athlete or favorite sports team

UN-BE-LIEV-A-BLE Home reading in October--12,988 minutes read!

Way to start off strong with our Book-It program, 3rd graders! Our class read nearly 13,000 MINUTES AT HOME!  Our final tally was 12,988 minutes!!

Wow!  We had 2 students read over 1,000 HOME MINUTES in OCTOBER.
That is absolutely outstanding!

Congratulations to Asho who read 1,304 minutes in October and Olivia who read 1,025 minutes in October.

Let's see if we can beat that in November...there's one less day, but we can do it!

October 28-November 1 Home Reading Minute WInner--Asho! Congrats!

Home Reading Winner for October 28-November 1--2nd time in October! Way to go Asho!!  395 minutes! Who can beat that?? I look forward to seeing your November 4-8 minutes tomorrow morning!

Happy Veteran's Day! + announcements!

Happy Veteran’s Day! I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you who is a Veteran or a family member of a Veteran. I know day to day the struggles that it can afford as well as the great pride it can bring. My husband Elliot has served our country for the last 10 years and has toured overseas 3 different times. I am greatly thankful for he and his comrades. I am also thankful for each of you who lives a similar life!  I appreciate you!


On a lighter note, tomorrow is LIBRARY CHECK OUT-so please send all books with your children that they have checked out from the library. If they choose to recheck out the books, they can, but the librarian, Mrs. Bonham needs to see them to guarantee that they are not indeed overdue.


Tomorrow, Tuesday is also PAJAMA DAY in honor of Red Ribbon Week. 


If you haven’t already, or have more available, please send in non-perishable food items for our food drive that goes through this Friday!


Happy Monday!