Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Why did the author write that?

Today, our class reviewed an article called, "Tough Talkin'!" Discussing Bullies and Other Problems."

We have been learning about WHY authors write what they do! We've broken it down into 3 areas that are Easy as P-I-E! P=Persuade, I=Inform, E=Entertain

Today, our article informed us about bullying and other problems that they face as students and the final question on our activity asked, "What can schools do about bullying?"  Their answers were so well written--I just had to share a few!

"They can have assemblies about bullying." -Zaylea
"Keep trying until they stop!" -Matthew
"Stand up for themselves until they stop!" -Macey
"Bystanders can actually help stand up to bullying or you can defend yourself." -Benito
"They can stand up to bullies and don't be a bully!" -Alexis
"Keep more eyes out for bullying." - Tristan

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