Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Midterms are coming home Thursday

Third Trimester Midterm Report
3rd  Grade Westside Elementary
Spring 2014
Mrs. Steinbrink
Here is a preview of what you will be seeing this Thursday! 
http://teachersites.schoolworld.com/webpages/sferro/imageGallery/teacher%20clip%20art%20from%20notecard.gifStudent: __________________                       




Academic Areas


Reading :                                 
Science & Social Studies:
   4 – Advanced
   3 – Proficient
   2 – Basic
   1 – Below Basic
   4- Advanced
   3 – Proficient
   2 – Basic
   1 – Below Basic



   A – 90% - 100%
   B 80% - 89%
   C – 70%- 79%
   D 60% - 69%
   F-   0% - 59%
   Doesn’t Return Home Links
Comments: ______________________________________________
   4- Advanced
   3 – Proficient
   2 – Basic
   1 – Below Basic
Comments: __________________









Approaches to learning


Social Skills and Work Habits
X- Indicates Concern         I- Indicates Improvement                       
No mark- indicates no concerns
Listens attentively                             ____________
Follows Instructions                           ____________
Works Cooperatively                       ____________
Respects others & Property             ____________
Prepares & Organizes Self                 ____________    
Completes Work on Time                  ____________
Produces Quality Work                      ____________
Uses Time Appropriately                    ____________
Follows School & Classroom Rules   ____________
Shows Self- Control                            ____________




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