Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Reminder-Friday is PURPLE UP DAY

Friday, April 25, 2014

April marks the nation’s "Month of the Military Child," a time to honor youth impacted by deployment. In celebration, NDSU Extension Service’s 4-H Youth Development program, invites you to join us for "Purple Up! For Military Kids."

We are encouraging everyone across North Dakota to wear purple as a visible way to show support and thank children from military families for their strength and sacrifices. Purple symbolizes all branches of the military because it is the combination of Army green, Coast Guard blue, Air Force blue, Marine red and Navy blue. We hope everyone will take this opportunity to appreciate and celebrate these young heroes.

Be creative! The goal is for military youth to see the support of their community. Need some ideas to get you started?

Q Ask local, regional and state officials to wear purple on April 25.
Q Spread the word by inviting newspapers and other news media outlets to feature a story about Purple Up! For Military Kids.
Q Involve area schools, sports teams, youth organizations and clubs, after-school programs and recreation departments.
Q Engage the Chamber of Commerce, fraternal organizations, social clubs and Rotary groups.
Q Request that local businesses post a Purple Up! message on their roadside signs and ask their employees to wear purple.
Q Ask stores and restaurants to offer a discount to all patrons who wear purple.
Q Invite co-workers and members of your spiritual community, exercise class or golf league to join you in showing support for the military youth in your town.

Remember to send us your photos to post on the North Dakota 4-H and OMK website, where military youth and families from across the state will see them.

Find us on Facebook – ND Operation: Military Kids

219 FLC, NDSU Dept. 7280, P.O. Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108

Phone: (701) 231-9601 • FAX: (701) 231-8568 • Email:

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