Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4-8 Agenda

Notes for this week: Bismarck information coming home tonight. Please be sure to read it over and ask me any questions you have.  Parent volunteers--I sent home something extra special for you so please be on the watch for that.

Here's the info again to sign up for remind if you haven't already!

Text @b4c4b to 81010  Standard text messaging rates apply.

 WHAT IS REMIND AND WHY IS IT SAFE? Remind is a free, safe, and simple messaging tool that helps teachers share important updates and reminders with students & parents. Subscribe by text, email or using the Remind app. All personal information is kept private. Teachers will never see your phone number, nor will you see theirs.

MONDAY 5/4/15-HL 12.1 (I also sent home the parent letter for this final unit today)
Read 20 minutes (record on Pizza Reward sheet), Practice spelling 5 minutes

TUESDAY 5/5/15-HL 12.2; Read & record 20 minutes, Spelling 5 minutes

WEDNESDAY 5/6/15-read and record 20 minutes, spelling 5 minutes, GO TO BED EARLY!  Be at school between 5:30 & 5:45 am tomorrow-sack lunch, blanket and electronics (if you choose).

THURSDAY 5/7/15-BISMARCK FIELD TRIP-bus leaves promptly @ 5:45 am-DO NOT BE LATE!  Parent pick up @ school 7pm, read & record 20 minutes

FRIDAY 5/7/15-read & record 20 minutes

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