Friday, May 8, 2015

Please participate-Uncle Maddio's Pizza contest-all of May reading incentive

Uncle Maddio's Pizza Joint, A New Fresh Way to Experience Pizza, Salads and Paninis | Uncle Maddio's PizzaHello Independence! Uncle Maddio’s has challenged Independence Elementary to push for another month full of reading. Let’s end our school year READING. Remember it’s important to read all year long, but these challenges are so fun to take on! Please initial the box at the end of each week and cut on the dotted line. Send each week’s slip with your child each FRIDAY during the month of May. We need them all by May 22nd so we can see which classrooms will win popcorn parties!! Each grade level is competing against itself. ALL Grades will have a winning class!

**ALL PARTICIPANTS will win a certificate for a free 6” pizza**

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