Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What an awesome day!!

Today was such an awesome day in 3rd grade!  The day started with Math!  Our math curriculum is all about learning through everyday experiences and today we were able to talk about where we see numbers!  (See homelink 1.1 in your child's home folder tonight for their homework assignment.)  There is also a "Unit 1 Family Letter" for you to hold on to throughout the Unit.   It will give you more information about the curriculum. Vocabulary, routines, and a homework key for the entire unit are also included in the family letter.  Please keep that as a guide to help you better understand the work that is coming home with your child each day!

We also started Cursive writing today--we practiced the Undercurve.  The students were really excited about it!  You will see cursive pages come home every few days!

We had a "Life Skills Behavior" Assembly today where all of the students in the building reviewed 2 of the 10 skills we have been working on!  Tonight--ask your children about the Life Skills of "Following Instructions" and "Listening" as they were practiced and reviewed today!

Lastly--I want to recognize a few students who showed OUTSTANDING behavior today: Andy, Dalyn, Elle, Tara, Travis, Nate S., Kylie, Peyton, Dante, Ulaini, Jack and Katie!

The following students also earned PAWSitive tickets for having a GREAT DAY: Calvin, Aidan and Katilyn!

Way to go GRADE 3!

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