Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Some kids are requesting access to our class extramath page!

To gain access at home (I know it will work on laptops--not sure about tablets--please let me know)
go to:

Click on the CLASSROOM tab.
Enter our class code: YKJP4KQC

Let me know if this doesn't work--your child should know their password!

I've also included this information on the Internet Resources page!

We need you! Please consider for the 2014-2015 School Year

We need you!  PTA officer elections will be held May 5 at 6:30.  Please consider joining the governing body of PTA.  PTA helps with several projects at the school, helps pay for field trips, purchases new playground equipment and supports teachers with classroom materials regularly.  I hope to see you at the Westside PTA meeting May 5th.  Thanks!

Winter Coat Drive--Please help!


https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRuDS3xjg10G9fCZku8lHWuxOWI23D_1ZgtAHA3k4L4r0W6Qe7V7wApril 28 – MAY 9










Donate new or gently used coats to any one of the six http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/Hornbachers_Icon.gif locations in the F-M Area!

Children’s sized coats are most needed, but The Salvation Army welcomes coats of all sizes!


Participating West Fargo Schools

*Aurora Elementary

*Harwood Elementary

*Horace Elementary

*Leidal Education Center

*West Fargo High School

Coats can be left at these schools any time!


Variety Show Try Outs

Reminder—Variety (Talent) Show Tryouts are next Monday & Tuesday in our classroom!  In order for kids to move on to the next level to audition, they will need to perform in front of our class first!


Please continue to practice with your children so they are ready for this next week!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Top Home Reading April 21-25!

Olivia was our top reading winner again for the week of April 21-25!  We had many other students who also did an outstanding job on their reading last week!

Friday, April 25, 2014


Just a reminder...
Our class will be doing our MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Testing on Monday, April 28 & Tuesday, April 29!  Be sure your child gets plenty of sleep, eats a good breakfast and comes to school with a hard-working attitude!

I look forward to seeing how much they have learned this year!

Don't forget the change drive!!

Who will get SLIMED? Mrs. Joyce or Mr. Ehlert?


-Change drive beginning Monday April 21st-April 28th to determine who will be getting SLIMED at the carnival J


-Jars will be located in the office… Bring those coins!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Reminder-Friday is PURPLE UP DAY

Friday, April 25, 2014

April marks the nation’s "Month of the Military Child," a time to honor youth impacted by deployment. In celebration, NDSU Extension Service’s 4-H Youth Development program, invites you to join us for "Purple Up! For Military Kids."

We are encouraging everyone across North Dakota to wear purple as a visible way to show support and thank children from military families for their strength and sacrifices. Purple symbolizes all branches of the military because it is the combination of Army green, Coast Guard blue, Air Force blue, Marine red and Navy blue. We hope everyone will take this opportunity to appreciate and celebrate these young heroes.

Be creative! The goal is for military youth to see the support of their community. Need some ideas to get you started?

Q Ask local, regional and state officials to wear purple on April 25.
Q Spread the word by inviting newspapers and other news media outlets to feature a story about Purple Up! For Military Kids.
Q Involve area schools, sports teams, youth organizations and clubs, after-school programs and recreation departments.
Q Engage the Chamber of Commerce, fraternal organizations, social clubs and Rotary groups.
Q Request that local businesses post a Purple Up! message on their roadside signs and ask their employees to wear purple.
Q Ask stores and restaurants to offer a discount to all patrons who wear purple.
Q Invite co-workers and members of your spiritual community, exercise class or golf league to join you in showing support for the military youth in your town.

Remember to send us your photos to post on the North Dakota 4-H and OMK website, where military youth and families from across the state will see them.

Find us on Facebook – ND Operation: Military Kids

219 FLC, NDSU Dept. 7280, P.O. Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108

Phone: (701) 231-9601 • FAX: (701) 231-8568 • Email: diane.f.hahn@ndsu.edu

Don't Forget!

westside elementary & ndsu presents

1 mile walk, run, & roll

proceeds go to Westside Backpack program

May 1, 2014

Race begins at 5:15pm (westside elementary bus loop )

Registration (fee: free will donation) 4:45pm-5:10pm

Special appearances:  Thundar!!! and multiple athletes from NDSU

everyone is welcome! free will donation to westside backpack program!

You may choose to run, walk, bike, or rollerblade the 1 mile course. Runners and walkers must wear appropriate footwear. All bikers must wear a helmet. All participants rollerblading must wear helmet and wrist guards.




Please fill out the form below and return it to Mrs. Taralson by Friday April 25th


T-shirt Size



(Check the box which you will be participating. Also list your T-shirt size.)



Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Wow--I have THE BEST supportive class!  Our silent auction baskets are looking great! Not only because of the items that families donated, but also because of all of the monetary donations toward finishing up our basket(S) that families were able to donate!  Our ITALIAN DINNER basket is adorable! I can't wait to share a picture. I ordered the pot (bright blue) off of Amazon so it should be here soon and all of our goodies to fill it will really make people want to bid on it! :)

Also, with monetary donations from parents, I was able to purchase another basket (watering can) and fill it with a bunch of gardening supplies--and it is SUPER CUTE as well!

Thanks for helping out--I can't wait for the Family Fun Night--next Thursday, May 1!

Hope you join us!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Who will get Slimed?

Who will get SLIMED? Mrs. Joyce or Mr. Ehlert?


-Change drive beginning Monday April 21st-April 28th to determine who will be getting SLIMED at the carnival J


-Jars will be located in the office… Bring those coins!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Fun Run @ Family Fun Night

westside elementary & ndsu presents

1 mile walk, run, & roll

proceeds go to Westside Backpack program

May 1, 2014

Race begins at 5:15pm (westside elementary bus loop )

Registration (fee: free will donation) 4:45pm-5:10pm

Special appearances:  Thundar!!! and multiple athletes from NDSU

everyone is welcome! free will donation to westside backpack program!

You may choose to run, walk, bike, or rollerblade the 1 mile course. Runners and walkers must wear appropriate footwear. All bikers must wear a helmet. All participants rollerblading must wear helmet and wrist guards.




Please fill out the form below and return it to Mrs. Taralson by Friday April 25th


T-shirt Size



(Check the box which you will be participating. Also list your T-shirt size.)



Thursday, April 17, 2014

Midterms coming home today!

Third Trimester Midterm Report
3rd  Grade Westside Elementary
Spring 2014
Mrs. Steinbrink

http://teachersites.schoolworld.com/webpages/sferro/imageGallery/teacher%20clip%20art%20from%20notecard.gifStudent: __________________                       




Academic Areas


Reading :                                 
Science & Social Studies:
   4 – Advanced
   3 – Proficient
   2 – Basic
   1 – Below Basic
   4- Advanced
   3 – Proficient
   2 – Basic
   1 – Below Basic



   A – 90% - 100%
   B 80% - 89%
   C – 70%- 79%
   D 60% - 69%
   F-   0% - 59%
   Doesn’t Return Home Links
Comments: ______________________________________________
   4- Advanced
   3 – Proficient
   2 – Basic
   1 – Below Basic
Comments: __________________









Approaches to learning


Social Skills and Work Habits
X- Indicates Concern         I- Indicates Improvement                       
No mark- indicates no concerns
Listens attentively                             ____________
Follows Instructions                           ____________
Works Cooperatively                       ____________
Respects others & Property             ____________
Prepares & Organizes Self                 ____________    
Completes Work on Time                  ____________
Produces Quality Work                      ____________
Uses Time Appropriately                    ____________
Follows School & Classroom Rules   ____________
Shows Self- Control                            ____________



Please contact me ASAP if you have any questions regarding your child's midterm report!