Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Project Linus

 Emma, Adrina and I were able to visit yesterday afternoon to hang out while the students worked on blankets for Project Linus. Emma enjoyed coloring by Peyton and sitting by Aidan. She was also very proud to show off her baby sister!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Adrina Lynn is Here!

Adrina Lynn Steinbrink is here!

She was born Tuesday, November 13, 2012 @ 11:37 pm.

Her big sister Emma is so proud and loves her so much!

We are enjoying our time at home and I will return mid-January to the classroom!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Turkeys in Disguise

Dear 3rd Grade Families:

We need your help!  Yesterday, I sent home a letter along with a turkey and a piece of writing paper. Help this turkey make it safely past Thanksgiving this year by disguising him so that people will NOT eat him. 
Turkeys that have made it through in past years have been dressed like ballerinas, hula dancers, football players, Elvis, and much more!  Please have fun and BE CREATIVE!!
You may use anything you can think of to decorate your turkey. Turkeys in the past have been decorated with crayons, macaroni, craft feathers, tissue paper, dried beans, rice, clothes, and shoes cut from newspaper ads, ribbon, felt, tinfoil, etc.

Please follow these directions when disguising your turkey:

1. Cut out the turkey!
2. Decide how you will disguise your turkey and have fun!!
3. Write an 8-10 sentence paragraph on the attached paper (or typed on the computer) about how your turkey's disguise will convince someone to NOT cook him for Thanksgiving dinner.
4. Return to school by: November 16, 2012! However the faster you bring him back, the faster the rest of school will see them above your locker!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


On Tuesday, the West Fargo Fire Department visited our class!  We were able to watch a video, review what we have learned in the past years, ask lots of questions, and best of all--see the firefighters in uniform!
Here are a few pictures from our afternoon presentation!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fall Party

Tomorrow we have a busy day in 3rd grade! We will be taking Reading Part 3 of the North Dakota State Assessment (today we took reading part 2) as well as having a visit from the Counselor, Mrs. Albrecht and celebrating our Fall party!  Thank you to all of the parents who volunteer their time and food for our spider craft!  Our class greatly appreciates it!

Today we took Reading Part 2 of the state assessment and we have some City of West Fargo firefighters coming to do a fire presentation this afternoon!  I hope to upload some pictures of Miss Argall's class and ours as we will be viewing this presentation together!

Happy early Halloween!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

NDSA Testing

Congratulations! Your child has completed Reading Part 1 of NDSA (North Dakota State Assessment)!  3rd grade is the first year they take that assessment so it was a brand new thing for them.  Every 3rd grader in North Dakota is taking this test! Over the course of the next few weeks we will be taking a different part of the test every few days.  They did a great job today! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences

A HUGE thank you to all of the parents and students who attended parent teacher conferences! It was so nice to meet each of you, hear your concerns, and share what we've been learning so far in 3rd grade!  I truly love teaching your 3rd graders everyday and look forward to all of the new learning that is happening!

Mrs. Joyce has hired a long-term substitute teacher for my maternity leave who has tons of experience--across a wide range of grade levels and specialty areas!  I'm very excited to have her work with our class during the time that I am away with the new baby!  My hope is to have her meet the class sometime before baby is born!

Please feel free to contact me if any conversations came up after conferences that you want to know more about!

Thanks for trusting me in the care and teaching of your children!

Monday, October 1, 2012

October News

Happy Monday! So many exciting new things to report on...

1. Today we began our Fargo Force Reading Incentive Program.  Please see the program guide your child brought home!  Each day, please record the amount of minutes read as well as your initials.  The students are working towards some awesome goals. We calculated it today, and we only need to read about 18 minutes each day outside of the school day to qualify for ALL of the incentives!! 

2. Students should still be recording their reading minutes on their Cats/Dogs Paws for Reading program forms. If you would only like to keep track of one, please have them return their Paws pages to me and I will get their minutes input!!

3.  Picture Day--Pictures will be taken this THURSDAY, October 4! Thank you to parents who have turned in your order forms.  If you haven't, please turn in by Tuesday afterschool so Kristie can process them for Scherling Photography. 

4.  United Way Change Drive/Red Ribbon Week--both are beginning this month. I will be sending more information home about these programs! 

5.  Book orders--I sent out October's book orders last Friday, along with our October calendar!  If you have access to ordering online @ www.scholastic.com/bookorders you can earn free $$$ towards your next online order--and we earn extra for our class as well!  Our class code is KWLYK.  https://orders.scholastic.com/KWYLK

6. Flat Stanley--Our Flat Stanley letters are finally being sent out this week.  Our class did a biography project last week that took much more time that I had planned for, so we were unable to completely finish our letters until Friday. 

7.  Parent-Teacher Conferences--These are coming up very quickly. I sent home a notice (on pink paper) today.  Please confirm and send back with your child as soon as possible.  I'm looking forward to meeting with each of you! If the time listed does not work, please let me know and I will see what I can do about rescheduling! 

8. As always--please feel free to e-mail me or call me with any questions or concerns!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Science Fun!!!

A note from Scientist (Miss) Argall:
In science our first unit focuses on Earth Materials. Last week we got to pretend to be geologist and study our own “Mock Rock.” We had to use different tools to look closely at all of the properties a rock has such as: color, shape, size, texture, and weight. The students are so excited to start breaking their rocks apart to see what truly makes up a rock.  Stay tuned for more pictures of our geologists at work! J

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What a week it has been!

Here is a look at some of the things we did this week:

Cursive! The students are SOOOO excited to be learning cursive. Our goal this year is to learn how to form all the letters correctly and be able to read cursive fluently. Even though we aren't expected to master cursive, I anticipate that cursive will end up to be easier and neater for several students than printing. So far--so good! The students have been responding well to it! Almost every night, I will send home the sheet that we worked on that day (or the previous day).  Feel free to do more practice at home with your child, as we only allot about 5-10 minutes to this skill per day!

Characters & Setting! We've been digging deep the past few weeks looking at different ways of thinking about the characters and settings in all of the books that we are reading!  While you are reading with yo ur child at night, ask them more about the characters and the setting in their books!  I hope you will be impressed at their responses! We've also been drafting stories in writers workshop--using characters and setting as our foundation for our PERSONAL NARRATIVES!

Other topics we studied this week: how illustrations support the words in a story, words that end in -ing, 4 kinds of sentences (declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory - yes, we used those words!), telling time on an analog clock (one with hands), measuring with inches and centimeters, and using tally marks and bar graphs to study data.

The coupon book fundraiser is in full swing! Westside will benefit $10 from every book sold!!! That's amazing!!! The students are very excited about the opportunity to earn money for their school and to earn prizes for their efforts. We talked about polite, safe, and strategic sales strategies and prepped the materials. Please consider purchasing one and helping your son or daughter to sell a few more. The coupons inside are FABULOUS, so I'm sure it won't be hard to "get rid" of them! **I'm gearing up to use one of the many coupons that Cherry Berry has included!

 I've been asking the students almost daily and our current classrom count is at 65--over half way to earning a pizza party! As a classroom, if we sell 100 books, we earn a pizza party. 

Hope your work week is wrapping up well. I'm looking forward to celebrating my 4 year wedding anniversary with my husband tonight! As for the weekend--I hope to have plenty of walks to the Shadowwood Park near our home and lots and lots of relaxing!

Thank you for sending your children everyday! I am enjoying getting to know each of them better!  They keep me on my toes and keep me laughing! 


Monday, September 3, 2012

Everyday Math & Raz-Kids

I hope you all had a restful weekend!  I was able to spend the majority of the weekend away at Fish Lake with some family.  I finished up the binding on a quilt that I have been working on for our new baby due in November!  I also enjoyed watching my husband learn how to sail in his uncle's sailboat--very interesting with the wind we had! :)

On Friday, our class spent some time in the computer lab getting aquainted with two educational websites that are available to them for curriculum support. I taped the internet login information into their home folders so they can access the websites at home as well as at school.

Everyday Mathematics:  everydaymathonline.com
Raz-Kids: raz-kids.com

During the next week, I will also be giving each of the students access to Book Adventure.  Hundreds of books in our school library have reading levels and quizzes aligned with them.  Each of the students can choose to check those books out to help improve their independent reading comprehension.  After a student finishes reading a "BA" book, they can log-in and take a quiz to earn points!  You can find this website @ bookadventure.com

Please e-mail or call if you have questions about any of these things!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Student Council Candidates & Scholastic Book Orders

Today our student council candidates were selected.  Each class--grades 3-5 is able to send 2 students to be a part of the Student Council.  Yesterday, we did an interview session with 12 out of the 24 total students in our classroom!  I am thrilled to have so many students interested in participating in Student Council--HALF OF OUR CLASS!

After our interviews, we did a classroom vote.  I also reviewed all student council applications (Thank you parents & community members for taking time to help your 3rd graders get those filled out) yesterday and this morning for those who were still finishing them up.  I talked to previous teachers as well as specialists throughout the building and adding everything up, I am happy to announce our 2 Student Council Members:

Katie & Aidan!!!!  Congrats!  We look forward to having you represent our classroom this year!

Every month or 2 I will be sending home Scholastic book orders!  This is an opportunity for students to build their home library + help build our classroom library.  Our current book order is due tomorrow-Friday, August 30, 2012.  Please view the website:  https://orders.scholastic.com/KWYLK if you would like to make an online order!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What an awesome day!!

Today was such an awesome day in 3rd grade!  The day started with Math!  Our math curriculum is all about learning through everyday experiences and today we were able to talk about where we see numbers!  (See homelink 1.1 in your child's home folder tonight for their homework assignment.)  There is also a "Unit 1 Family Letter" for you to hold on to throughout the Unit.   It will give you more information about the curriculum. Vocabulary, routines, and a homework key for the entire unit are also included in the family letter.  Please keep that as a guide to help you better understand the work that is coming home with your child each day!

We also started Cursive writing today--we practiced the Undercurve.  The students were really excited about it!  You will see cursive pages come home every few days!

We had a "Life Skills Behavior" Assembly today where all of the students in the building reviewed 2 of the 10 skills we have been working on!  Tonight--ask your children about the Life Skills of "Following Instructions" and "Listening" as they were practiced and reviewed today!

Lastly--I want to recognize a few students who showed OUTSTANDING behavior today: Andy, Dalyn, Elle, Tara, Travis, Nate S., Kylie, Peyton, Dante, Ulaini, Jack and Katie!

The following students also earned PAWSitive tickets for having a GREAT DAY: Calvin, Aidan and Katilyn!

Way to go GRADE 3!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wow...what a day!

Whew, we made it!  Today was quite the whirlwind of a day!  Your children worked so hard, listened alot, moved alot, talked alot and even danced like animals!  Thank you for giving them the opportunity to learn!  I am so excited to dig into math, writing and reading next week! 

Just a few reminders...
Your children will be bringing an agenda home with them each night.  At the end of each school day, we will write the homework for the evening.  There will be a few things we ask for you to do each night--reading for 20 minutes is one of them!  We haven't started our literature groups yet, but once we do, I will be sending books home with them.  We also won't have our library time until next Wednesday, so watch for books to come home then as well!
Your children will also bring a home folder in their backpack each day after school.  (It is the same folder that Back to School information was sent in. This folder should come back each day to school. It's the easiest way to transfer papers and keep them organized.

In the home folder tonight:
Student Council information--only sent home with students who were interested in this opportunity. Please go through this information with your child and work with them to decide if they would like the opportunity.
Book orders--for those who weren't at back to school night, I also sent hom Book order forms. I received a few more in my mailbox today that will be sent home Friday 8/24/2012.  All book orders for August are due next Friday 8/31/2012!

Last, but not least!  We have gym this Friday, so please remember to have your child bring tennis shoes!

Have a great one!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Meet Mrs. Steinbrink

Thank you so much for visiting my classroom blog and being involved in your child's learning! I believe that by communicating openly between home and school, and by parents supporting academics at home, we can create an optimal learning experience for each student throughout the school year.

Let me introduce myself! I graduated from the University of North Dakota in May of 2008 with a B.A. in Elementary Education. That fall I began my career at Jefferson Elementary in Fargo as the YMCA before and after school program coordinator.  While in this position, we had our beautiful daughter, Emma!

In 2009, I accepted a traveling position between Lincoln Elementary and Bennett Elementary in Fargo as an English Language Learners teacher. In 2010, I made the move over to Westside Elementary and was the English Language Learner teacher here for the past two years.  I am very excited to begin a new adventure in 3rd grade with a great team of teachers!

I've been fortunate to work with great families and staff, and have gained a wealth of knowledge through my work on the district's Report Card Committee and completing a M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction from Minnesota State University-Moorhead in 2010.

My husband Elliot and I met in Grand Forks and were married shortly after graduation. Elliot owns an up-and-coming construction business –Steinbrink Construction. He is also a project manager for Holly & Company Classic Homes. We have been blessed with our daughter Emma, who is currently 3 1/2. Our family is expanding—with another little girl early this winter!  Our family loves to be outside running around our neighborhood, doing projects around our house, trying new recipes, and reading books. Emma knows just as much, if not more about tools than I do as she loves doing projects with daddy. I love to organize and decorate my home, do different craft and sewing projects and search Pinterest for new ideas!

Some of my favorite things are Starbucks, fruit smoothies, fabric and books.

I look forward to working with you!!

Mrs. Steinbrink