Thursday, October 31, 2013

October Student of the Month

Congratulations to Mara! She was our classroom's October Student of the Month! She was recognized on the announcements and she ate breakfast with our principals this morning! 

October 21-25, 2013 Top Home Reader

Congratulations to Asho! She was our top at home reader last week with 720 minutes!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

There's still room in the Parent Nurtured Heart Class! Consider attending this free class sponsored by our PTA!

School has started and the holidays are coming.  Are you READY? As parents we want to have great relationships within our family, but there are times when things don’t seem to be working right or we want even more connectedness in our family.  This Fall and Spring the Westside Family PTA will be offering The Nurtured Heart Approach® (NHA) parenting class.  The NHA® is a relational approach designed to help you connect with your child and in a firsthand way help them grow strong on the inside.  This means making choices not because they “get” something, instead because of the belief that they can make wise choices due to their character.  In 5 weeks you will learn to see relationships differently and have the tools and strategies to become even more intentional in your parenting and family time.  Three stands will be taught of learning to say no to getting into negativity, learning to see and speak positive and truthful words, and learning the gift of clarity with expectations and true consequences. This class is based on the book, Transforming the Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach by Howard Glasser, M.A. and will be taught by Sarah How, Psy.S. NCSP, our School Psychologist and Advanced Trainer in the NHA® along with Carmen Tubbs our special education teacher and Certified Trainer in the NHA®  This class is a series. Plan to attend all sessions. Class is limited to the first 35 people and there is space for 15 children for daycare. Please RSVP by October 29th, 2013


                     Dates:  November 5, 12, 19, 26 & December 3, 2013

                       (Tuesday Evenings)


Time:  6:15- 7:30 pm

Location:  Westside Elementary School, 945 7th Ave W, West Fargo, ND 58078

Cost:  FREE!!!  Sponsored by our PTA (includes 1 Transforming the Difficult Child book/family)

    *Daycare and snacks will be provided for you and your family!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Cut and return to teacher or Westside office ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

r    Yes, I am interested in attending the Nurtured Heart Class. (Fill out information below).

Child’s Name:  _____________________________________Classroom Teacher _______________________

Child’s Name:  _____________________________________Classroom Teacher _______________________

r  I will need child care for #________ children –

name_______________­­____   age_______                                  name_______________­­____   age_______

name_______________­­____   age_______                                  name_______________­­____   age_______

Parent (s) Name:  ____________________________________________________

Phone:________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________________


Monday, October 28, 2013

TIMELINE PROJECT-Due Friday, November 1, 2013

3rd Grade Timeline Project
Due Date: Friday, November 1st
Dear Families,
As a part of our third grade Social Studies curriculum we are learning about timelines. The objective of this homework project is for your child to use critical-thinking skills to organize and create a personal timeline of their life on the piece of poster board provided. While we encourage you to assist your child with this project please remember to limit the amount of help you give them as it will be graded and the project must reflect your child’s work. Be unique and creative, but most importantly have fun! Please refer to the attached rubric and timeline sample which can be used as a guideline to assist your child with their project. We look forward to seeing your project on Friday!
What to do:
Students will create a timeline of their life beginning at birth until present day. They need to choose one major event that has happened to them for each year of their life. The timeline should include the number of events as you have been alive. You should construct a timeline with pictures (use drawings if no photos are available) and a complete sentence for each event.
1. Find at least  3  pictures that show important events in your life.
2. Arrange the events in the order in which they happened (i.e. birth, 1st birthday, 1st bike, new pet, moved to a new house, birth of a sibling, etc.)
3. Glue the pictures on the poster board in order. (You may go on the back.)
4. Write the date or year under each picture.
5. Write a complete sentence explain each event under the date.
6. Write your name on the top of the poster
7. Decorate the border of the poster (i.e. draw things you like, use stamps, stickers, etc.)
8. Return the project by Friday, November 1st! You may turn this project in early if you wish.
Reminder: Although all of the items will be returned, please do not send any valuable photos or materials in case they get lost in transit.
 The Third Grade Teachers 
Helpful Guide to Get Started:

***This is just a tool to help you get started. You do not need to fill this out, turn it in, or even follow this. It is just a guide in case you don’t know where to begin. Remember it will depend on how old your child is as to exactly how many events he or she will need to include on his or her timeline.***

I was born on Month____________________, DAY___________, YEAR_______________.
In __________, I was one year old and I ________________________________________.
In __________, I was two years old and I _______________________________________.
In ___________, I was three years old and I _____________________________________.
In ___________, I was four years old and I ______________________________________.
In ___________, I was five years old and I ______________________________________.
In ___________, I was six years old and I ________________________________________.
In ___________, I was seven years old and I ____________________________________.
In ___________, I was eight years old and I _____________________________________.
In ___________, I was nine years old and I ______________________________________.

Change Drive Continuing through November 1, 2013

The Change Drive is continuing this week, so please continue to send your change in support of the United Way!

Congratulations Book It Pizza Hut October Earners

Congrats to the following students who earned a FREE PERSONAL PAN PIZZA from PIZZA HUT through our Book It Reading Program in October! There's still time to earn for those who are not on the list. The challenge is 400 home minutes read each month. Contact me for your child's current total if you are unsure! Minutes for October are due MONDAY,NOVEMBER 4, 2013! Asho, Matthew, Adam, Benito, Macey, Rylie, Arop, Payton, Olivia, Mitchell, Joslyn, Eastin, Tristan WAY-TO-GO!

Differentiated Spelling Lists

Tonight, your child will come home with one of two spelling lists in their agendas. I gave a pretest today and based on the scores from that assessment, I have created a basic 20 word list and a challenge 20 word list. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Please see the lists below! Spelling List A (oi/oy) October 28, 2013 1. coin 2. coins 3. join 4. joins 5. oil 6. oils 7. boil 8. boils 9. spoil 10. spoils 11. boy 12. boys 13. joy 14. joys 15. toy 16. toys 17. coil 18. coils 19. broil 20. broils Spelling List B (oi/oy) October 28, 2013 1. employ 2. destroy 3. enjoy 4. annoy 5. voyage 6. oyster 7. soybean 8. royal 9. boycott 10. joyful 11. rejoice 12. embroider 13. broiler 14. pointless 15. moisten 16. turquoise 17. poison 18. appoint 19. moist 20. point

Fall Party

October 28, 2013

Hello Parents/Guardians,

It is that time of year for our Fall Party!! The party will be held in the classroom on Thursday, October 31st at 1:45.   We will be having different stations in the room for the students to rotate have a snack and play some math games. I have 3 parent volunteers who will be here to help out during the party. Thanks Jolene(Tyler), Carla(Mitchell) & Heidi(Macey). 
There is plenty to help out with and plenty of fun to be had! We are in need of donations for the food and supplies.  Please send me a message or give me a call letting me know what you can donate and WAIT for my reply before purchasing so we don’t double up. Please bring in your items on or before Thursday, October 31, 2013.
If you have any questions, never hesitate to contact me.  Please return this form to school by Friday so I can send out the donations form.
Thank you!
Mrs. Steinbrink 
Donations needed:
Styrofoam cups for hot chocolate (1 package)
Cheese Sticks (package of 24)
Fruit Cups (package of 24)
Plastic spoons (1 package)
Thanks for your consideration in bringing a snack for our class. Remember—please contact me before purchasing so we don’t double up!

October 14-18 Reading Minute Winner!

Congratulations Olivia on being our top classroom reader for the week of October 14-18, 2013! Olivia read 420 minutes! Way to go!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Phonics & Spelling Lesson 7

This week's phonics involves many different sounds that connect! -ue, -ew, -ui-, -ow, -aw, -y Here's the list--challenge your children at home to come up with more words that follow the same patterns--have them put them on a sticky note in their agenda and we can challenge them at the end of the week! This set of 16 words should be written in their agendas tonight when they get home from school. If for some reason they aren't, send me an e-mail and I'll be sure to check in the morning! 1. True 2. Clue 3. Chew 4. Stew 5. Suit 6. Fruit 7. Blue 8. Blew 9. New 10. Knew 11. Grow 12. Grew 13. Draw 14. Drew 15. Fly 16. Flew

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Vocabulary Study Guide: Poetry

This coming week, we will begin learning more deeply about poetry. I am including our vocabulary words and their meanings for you to review with your children this coming week! BEATS: pulses that are the basic units of rhythm, used in both poetry and music Lines: rows of words printed or written across a page or column Pattern: a combination of features, actions, or events that are repeated in a recognizable arrangement Rhyme: to agree or correspond in sound Rhythm: a series of pulses that repeat in a regular order Stanzas: groups of lines that make up divisions of a poem

Friday, October 18, 2013

Flat Max is cruising to the mountain tops of Colorado!

COIN DRIVE Monday, October 21-Friday, October 25, 2013!

Send your coins--send your bills! Westside Student Council is again starting up the Coin Drive initiative to support a local company in need. In the past, our money has gone to the United Way of Cass & Clay county, but they were still making that decision when our Student Council members last reported to us! We will be collecting money EVERY DAY! So feel free to be as generous as you are able!

Flat Tyler is traveling south! Enjoy the weather!

Flat Adam is off to Colorado too!

Colorado? Flat Jetta? Maybe you will see Flat Max while you are traveling there!

Flat Arop is off to New York! Have fun on the east coast!

Flat Olivia is traveling east to MINNESOTA--don't get caught in a snow storm this weekend!

Flat Alexis is traveling to soak up the sun in FLORIDA!

Flat Rylie is traveling to the deserts of Arizona! Stay cool!

Flat Tristan is traveling westward to the WEST COAST! Have fun!

Flat Mara is South Dakota bound!

Off to Kansas he goes--Flat Eastin

Flat Matthew is off to visit Grandma in Minnesota!

Louisiana Bound--Flat Macey!

Flat Dylan is off to SEATTLE, WA! Have fun at the Space Needle

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Cursive Handwriting Practice Book

Parents--The cursive handwriting practice book that I sent home is just an additional resource for practicing cursive letters. Each day we introduce a new letter, so your child should be able to remember what that letter is. My goal for the practice book is to get a second shot at the letters we have practiced in class to help firm their cursive letter writing skills! This does not need to be turned in nor should it be done all at one time. It's just an extra resource I felt was worth sharing with you! Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Macey's Idioms

Joslyn's Idioms

Eastin's Idiom

Dylan's Idiom

Benito's Idioms

Zaylea's Idioms

Tyler's Idioms

Tristan's Idioms

Rylie's Idioms

Payton's Idiom

Olivia's Idioms

Mitchell's Idioms

Max's Idioms

Matthew's Idioms