Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Agenda & Book It Reading Program

Parents: We are starting the BOOK IT READING PROGRAM sponsored by Pizza Hut today-October 1, 2013. The program tracks MONTHLY reading today through March 31, 2014. Students will have the opportunity to earn a FREE PERSONAL PAN PIZZA from PIZZA HUT each month that they meet the qualifications. The goal that we have set is 400 minutes of AT HOME READING each month. Please track your children's minutes with them EVERY DAY in the area on the agenda shown above. Where it says minutes read, please write the minutes. Where it says pages read, PLEASE WRITE YOUR INITIALS. I have let the students know that I will be checking the agenda minute log every MONDAY to track their minutes. In order for minutes to count, the parents must have initialed EACH DAY! I am being very specific on this because I want the students to be responsible for reading each night and having you sign their minutes. Please continue to sign the agenda each night as well to show that you have seen it and to AGREE that your child has completed ALL WORK LISTED. I am also posting a picture of how we will be tracking our minutes monthly. The highest minute reader each month will earn something EXTRA from me! Thank you for your CONTINUED communication and support! I love teaching your children!

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