Tuesday, October 1, 2013

PuShInG tHe EnVeLoPe?

This week we are learning all about idioms and how to write them, how to speak them and how to understand them in our reading! The kids are having SOOO much fun! We can't wait to share with you what we are learning about playing with words! I surveyed a few students and they shared their favorite idiom so far! Here are a few of their answers: Mitchell: When Pigs Fly=NEVER Adam: Ants in your Pants= ALL CRAZY Tyler: It's Raining Cats and Dogs = IT'S RAINING HARD. Jayda: It's a Piece of Cake = IT'S EASY. Eastin: Fat Cat = YOU'VE GOT A LOT OF MONEY! Want to learn more about idioms and their meanings/orgins? www.idiomsite.com www.brainpop.com www.wordorgins.org Watch for pictures later this week!

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