Monday, October 28, 2013

TIMELINE PROJECT-Due Friday, November 1, 2013

3rd Grade Timeline Project
Due Date: Friday, November 1st
Dear Families,
As a part of our third grade Social Studies curriculum we are learning about timelines. The objective of this homework project is for your child to use critical-thinking skills to organize and create a personal timeline of their life on the piece of poster board provided. While we encourage you to assist your child with this project please remember to limit the amount of help you give them as it will be graded and the project must reflect your child’s work. Be unique and creative, but most importantly have fun! Please refer to the attached rubric and timeline sample which can be used as a guideline to assist your child with their project. We look forward to seeing your project on Friday!
What to do:
Students will create a timeline of their life beginning at birth until present day. They need to choose one major event that has happened to them for each year of their life. The timeline should include the number of events as you have been alive. You should construct a timeline with pictures (use drawings if no photos are available) and a complete sentence for each event.
1. Find at least  3  pictures that show important events in your life.
2. Arrange the events in the order in which they happened (i.e. birth, 1st birthday, 1st bike, new pet, moved to a new house, birth of a sibling, etc.)
3. Glue the pictures on the poster board in order. (You may go on the back.)
4. Write the date or year under each picture.
5. Write a complete sentence explain each event under the date.
6. Write your name on the top of the poster
7. Decorate the border of the poster (i.e. draw things you like, use stamps, stickers, etc.)
8. Return the project by Friday, November 1st! You may turn this project in early if you wish.
Reminder: Although all of the items will be returned, please do not send any valuable photos or materials in case they get lost in transit.
 The Third Grade Teachers 
Helpful Guide to Get Started:

***This is just a tool to help you get started. You do not need to fill this out, turn it in, or even follow this. It is just a guide in case you don’t know where to begin. Remember it will depend on how old your child is as to exactly how many events he or she will need to include on his or her timeline.***

I was born on Month____________________, DAY___________, YEAR_______________.
In __________, I was one year old and I ________________________________________.
In __________, I was two years old and I _______________________________________.
In ___________, I was three years old and I _____________________________________.
In ___________, I was four years old and I ______________________________________.
In ___________, I was five years old and I ______________________________________.
In ___________, I was six years old and I ________________________________________.
In ___________, I was seven years old and I ____________________________________.
In ___________, I was eight years old and I _____________________________________.
In ___________, I was nine years old and I ______________________________________.

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