Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall Party

October 28, 2013

Hello Parents/Guardians,

It is that time of year for our Fall Party!! The party will be held in the classroom on Thursday, October 31st at 1:45.   We will be having different stations in the room for the students to rotate have a snack and play some math games. I have 3 parent volunteers who will be here to help out during the party. Thanks Jolene(Tyler), Carla(Mitchell) & Heidi(Macey). 
There is plenty to help out with and plenty of fun to be had! We are in need of donations for the food and supplies.  Please send me a message or give me a call letting me know what you can donate and WAIT for my reply before purchasing so we don’t double up. Please bring in your items on or before Thursday, October 31, 2013.
If you have any questions, never hesitate to contact me.  Please return this form to school by Friday so I can send out the donations form.
Thank you!
Mrs. Steinbrink 
Donations needed:
Styrofoam cups for hot chocolate (1 package)
Cheese Sticks (package of 24)
Fruit Cups (package of 24)
Plastic spoons (1 package)
Thanks for your consideration in bringing a snack for our class. Remember—please contact me before purchasing so we don’t double up!

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