Monday, October 21, 2013

Phonics & Spelling Lesson 7

This week's phonics involves many different sounds that connect! -ue, -ew, -ui-, -ow, -aw, -y Here's the list--challenge your children at home to come up with more words that follow the same patterns--have them put them on a sticky note in their agenda and we can challenge them at the end of the week! This set of 16 words should be written in their agendas tonight when they get home from school. If for some reason they aren't, send me an e-mail and I'll be sure to check in the morning! 1. True 2. Clue 3. Chew 4. Stew 5. Suit 6. Fruit 7. Blue 8. Blew 9. New 10. Knew 11. Grow 12. Grew 13. Draw 14. Drew 15. Fly 16. Flew

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