Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mystery Readers-Principal Holder and Mr. Howell

Thanks Principal Holder (Alayna's dad) for reading to our class earlier this week! We loved your story!

Another thanks to Mr. Howell (Tierney's dad)! I missed you yesterday afternoon, but the kids enjoyed you.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mystery Reader-Carter W's mom!

Thank you to Ashley (Carter W's mom) for reading to our class today!
We loved having you and loved the stories you chose!

The 4 C's: Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking

After our wonderful presentation by Monty Selby yesterday during our staff development, I was reminded about the incorporation of the 4 Cs into our daily lessons.  Today, I wanted to finish up our social studies research on Immigrants with a project-based activity that not only allowed kids to be creative, but also to collaborate with a peer. Tomorrow, they will be communicating their understandings about immigrants with other students in our classroom!

Here are a few photos of our work today!
Tierney & Xavier working on their illustration of what immigration meant to them and their quick facts speech!

 Catherine, Selena & Elijah working on their illustration and speech to present tomorrow.
 Jasmine & Alayna  working on their illustration and speech about immigrants!
 Alia, Breanna, (and Tessa, got cut off) are working on their illustration and speech to present tomorrow about immigration.
 Mireya & Katrina are working on their illustration and their Game Show questions/answers to present tomorrow!
 Brady & Dylan are working on their illustration and their speech to present tomorrow.
 Carter, Addison (and Adis not shown) are working on their illustration and their speech/rap to present tomorrow.
 Aiden & J'veonte are working on their illustration and rap for tomorrow's presentation.
 Here are our facts about immigration that we have been researching this week from 2 different non-fiction articles that we were practicing our Connect to Text comprehension strategy on.
 Paige & Sabrina are working on their illustration and song to present tomorrow showing what they know about immigration.
Madelyn & Jasmine are working on their illustration and speech about immigration tomorrow!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Holiday Craft Wishlist

Hi parents-we have a few items that we are hoping to collect for our Holiday crafts we will be completing in the next couple weeks:

Empty egg cartons
Fabric, ribbon and lace scraps (in Christmas colors/themes/styles or neutrals)

Thanks so much!

Friday, December 5, 2014

December 8-12 Spelling Test

Lists for next week are published on

Students can take their tests as early as Monday!

Report Cards

Report cards are coming home today! Be sure to check your child's backpack for them!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Today's Mystery Reader!

Thanks to our Mystery Reader-Marie K. We loved having you today! Parents-it's not too late to be a mystery reader!

If you are able to sign up, please keep it a secret from your child-the best you can!
Send me 3 clues as to who you are that will help the kids be able to figure out who you are before your date to read! I'll share them sporadically with the students the day you are coming to read!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Partial-Product Multiplication

Partial-Products Multiplication (1-digit multipliers)
This blog post is intended to help explain how to use partial-product multiplication to solve multiplication problems. We teach many ways of multiplication in 4th grade, and this is just another method. We like to provide the opportunity to let our students discover a method that works really well for them! I know this is not the way I learned when I was younger, but now as I teach, I really understand this method, and how it could be a method of choice for different students. If you would like more explanation surrounding this type of multiplication, I would love to explain further. J
~ In this method, multiplication is usually done from left to right. This ensures that the most important products, the largest ones, are calculated first, but it is not incorrect for a student to multiply from right to left.
~ Each part of the calculation, each partial product, is written on a separate line. Then the partial products are added. This is usually very simple and has the benefit of providing practice with column addition

How to:
1.)   As a class, we make estimations to help guide us, so we have an idea of what our answer should be around. For this problem, I would estimate 800 x 6 = 4,800
2.)   Line up your factors! It is very helpful to do this! It can be beneficial to draw a dotted line down to ensure that your numbers are being properly lined up. This will be very helpful in the last step.
3.)   For this next step, you can start from the left or the right of the larger number. I personally tend to start multiplying from the left to the right, even though this is very different from what I learned as a child. J I am going to start by multiplying 800 x 6. My answer is 4,800 and I write it down in its respective place value spots. Next, I multiply 60 x 9. My answer is 360 and I write it down in the respective spot. Finally, I multiply 6x9 and get 45. This number also goes into its respective spot.
4.)   The last step! This is where it pays off to have your products lined up correctly! Add all of your products together to find the answer. In this case, I added 4,800+360+54 and got 5, 214.

This method is difficult at first, and may take extra time to use, but I have seen it be a first choice for many students. Good luck using this method, and let me know if you have any questions! 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Buster Party

Today we earned Buster, the bulldog for excellent lunch room behavior! We earned a 9 minute :) party at the end of the day!
They've been working hard to improve their behavior in the lunch room. Please express to them how proud you are of them! I am proud of them too!

December Mystery Readers

Calling All

I would like to invite any parents, older siblings, grandparents, relatives, or other special people to surprise your child by being a “Mystery Reader” this next month in our classroom. Students love having their family, friends, and relatives visit our classroom to share in our learning by reading a favorite Holiday/winter story aloud to our class. Mystery Readers will visit us from 12:15-12:40pm each day. After reading, you may eat lunch with your child if you would like to purchase an adult lunch! Lunch starts at 1:00. Readers are asked to bring a book to read. Holiday theme is preferred, but any favorite title will be great!

If you can find a date that works for you, please sign up to be a Mystery Reader on Sign Up Genius! There are many open dates to choose from. Some highlight mystery readers from years past include: moms and dads, our principals and superintendent, cafeteria helpers, and grandmas and grandpas!

If you can visit, please sign up on
Remember to make your visit a surprise, and not tell the kids that you are coming in advance! I will also need 5 clues about yourself before you arrive, so I can prep the kids for who might be coming. Please send those via email

THANK YOU!                    Mrs. Steinbrink

Thursday, November 13, 2014

My Veteran came to visit

Elliot, my husband came to visit today in honor of Veteran's Day. He's been in the Air National Guard for 12 years and served overseas 3 times before we had children. The kids had a great time asking him a bunch of questions.
We also ended our time with a push-up contest--basic training style!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week of November 10-14

We have a jam packed 4-day week. We do not have school on Tuesday for Veteran's Day.

Spelling-each group of students will have a week 11 list. It is their job on Monday morning to write it into their agenda. If for some reason you do not see it written into their agenda when you sign it Monday night, log on to to find it. Have them write is down at home. They are the same list letter each week so they should remember what list they are on!

Word Story-long and short o--looking at these spelling patterns and noticing how they help us to become better readers, writers and spellers

Science/Social Studies-We will be working on summarizing non-fiction text. We also have a counselor lesson Monday.

Math-We are continuing our studying of decimals and their uses. Expect to see homelinks home on Monday, Thursday & Friday

Reading-Text Connect-we will be using Myths this week to see how genres connect and can help us understand them better by making predictions, inferences and asking meaningful questions

Daily 5-We will be working on student level-specific passages and stories to help us SUMMARIZE at our own guided reading level

As always, ask if you have any questions!

Week 11 Spelling Lists

Week 11 Spelling lists have been published.
Please have your child spend time each night at home practicing their words.

The skill of keyboarding is so important and any opportunity that you or I can give your child to correctly use the computer (home row, eyes off the keys), the more success they will find in activities involving that type of technology.  is a perfect opportunity to practice proper keyboarding techniques in a simple environment.


Friday, November 7, 2014

Illness Policy

If your child has a fever, is vomiting or has diarrhea they cannot come to school. Children who have a fever cannot return until 24 hours after the fever has subsided without the use of fever reducing medication. Children who are vomiting or have diarrhea cannot return to school until they have been symptom free for 24 hours.   

Monday, November 3, 2014

Turkey in Disguise

Turkey In Disguise
Dear Fourth Grade Family:
We need your help! Attached to this letter you will find a turkey and a piece of writing paper. Help this turkey make it safely past Thanksgiving this year by disguising him so that people will NOT eat him.
Turkeys that have made it through past year have been dressed like ballerinas, hula dancers, football players, Elvis, and much more! Please have FUN and BE CREATIVE!! If you are having troubles thinking of an idea you can google “Turkey in Disguise” and come up with many options.
You may use anything you can think of to decorate your turkey. Turkeys in the past have been decorated with crayons, macaroni, craft feathers, tissue paper, dried beans, rice, clothes and shoes cut from newspaper ads, ribbon, felt, tinfoil, etc.
Please follow these directions when disguising your turkey:
1.    Cut out the turkey.
2.    Glue the turkey together on the tabs.
3.    Decide how you will disguise your turkey and have fun!!!
4.    Write an 8- 10 sentence paragraph on the attached paper (or typed on the computer) about how your turkey’s disguise will convince someone to NOT cook him for Thanksgiving dinner
5.    Return to school by: November 10, 2014 or as soon as you finish! The faster you bring them in the faster the rest of the school will see them above your locker!! Can’t wait to see them! J

Monday, October 27, 2014

State Research

This week-each student, or group of students is researching one state in the USA.   We have student friendly texts that the kids are reading, but there is also a great option on out WFPS school website.

Go to:
Click-Independence Elementary
Click-States Edition

Or try the direct link

On Friday, all groups will be presenting their projects to the class!

Happy Researching! :)

States of the USA

On Friday (Halloween), our class will be taking our final States of the USA test.

I have sent a labeled map home with your child in their mailboxes tonight.
Here are a few other places to review!




Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 9 Spelling Lists are posted



Dear parents and students,
In the upcoming week we will be entering our next FOSS science kit investigation. Throughout this investigation, we will be working with defining metric units and learning about and measuring capacity. The main purpose of this investigation can be summed up in four points:
·         Students will discover the need for a standard unit of measuring volume and capacity.
·         Students will be able to identify the standard units for measuring volume and capacity in the metric system: liter and milliliter.
·         Students will use metric tools to measure volumes of liquids and capacities of containers.
·         Students will use scientific thinking processes to conduct investigations and build explanations: observing, communicating, comparing, and organizing.
One great aspect of this science unit is the amount of hands on practice that is included. This is where we need your help. Since we are dealing with finding capacity and volume for multiple objects we are asking if you would be willing to help us collect a variety of containers for students to practice measuring capacity.
science fair clipartSome examples of these containers might be:

·         Juice Bottles
·         Ketchup Bottles
·         Syrup Bottles
·         Salad Dressing Bottles
·         Jam/Jelly Jars
·         Peanut Butter Jars
·         Yogurt and Margarine Containers
·         12 oz. Soda Cans
·         2 Liter Bottles
·         Etc.

If you would like to help, please send these materials with your student by next Tuesday, October 28, 2014. We appreciate your willingness to help us out in our science investigations!

Thank you in advance,

Leah Becklund, Eddy Delzer, & Lori Steinbrink (4th grade teachers at Independence Elementary)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Illness Policy

If your child has a fever, is vomiting or has diarrhea they cannot come to school. Children who have a fever cannot return until 24 hours after the fever has subsided without the use of fever reducing medication. Children who are vomiting or have diarrhea cannot return to school until they have been symptom free for 24 hours.   

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week of October 20

This week in 4th Grade:

Math:  We will continue to work on multiplication strategies through number sentences, number stories , fact practice and creating our own number sentences. Home links will come home each evening!  When you have time (or energy) please visit XTRAMATH.ORG
Social Studies: We will spend out last week of the US Regions studying our very own region-the MIDWEST!  We will be studying the states, capitals and abbreviations. We will also be researching different topics relating to the midwest and presenting our findings on Friday.
Science:  No science this week-we will resume next week once we have completed our US regions studies.
Writing: This week in writing we are working on a new revision strategy called BUILDING THE PARAGRAPH. This week, I will model how to identify a weak paragraph by the characteristics it has, how to build the weak paragraph and how to rewrite our paragraph to make it great!
Spelling:  Week 8 Spelling lists are now available!  Visit SPELLING CITY to find your child's list. They can practice on that website through games and practice tests. You can also print a copy of their list if you need to!
Reading Comprehension:  This week we will be using the comprehension strategy of SUMMARIZING to help us better comprehend a text involving the MIDWEST states. We will even be writing on our desks--ask your child about it! Please encourage your child to read each and every night. Have them self monitor their reading using the VISUALIZING OR QUESTIONING strategy!
Daily 6:  This week each reading group will meet with me 2-3 times working on the strategy of QUESTIONING using texts at their instructional reading level!  During this time, they will be building their cooperative learning skills as well as begin to think more deeply about different types of texts. While I'm working with groups-all other students will participate in the following other activities on a rotating basis: WORD WORK-spelling&cursive, WRITING-personal narrative&freewrite, MATH-enrichment binder&math games, READ TO SELF-independent books of their choice & READ TO SOMEONE-read a book or 2 of choice with a group member
Word Study: We will be working on LONG & SHORT A patterns.  Expect to see homework home 2 times this week.

Extra fun things: 
1. We have a counselor lesson on Thursday morning and library check out in the afternoon. Let's work hard to get all of our books turned in on time so we can get a class award for no overdue books!
2. Ms. Tiani will be here on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. She is our 32 hour practicum student from MSU-Moorhead.

Things to Note: I am out of the building on Wednesday at an Advanc-Ed School Accreditation work session to prepare for our district visit coming this spring.


If you missed the book fair or are still looking for more great titles to read….  We have them!

Over 1,000 more titles are available right now at our ON-LINE STORE!

Including ALL MINECRAFT BOOKS for only $5.99 each!

Description: cid:image001.png@01CF3C51.69FF4BB0Description: Minecraft: Redstone Handbook: An Official Mojang BookDescription:,204,203,200_.jpg


Our On-Line store is open through October 30th and everyone gets FREE SHIPPING!


Huge selection of books! More than what was at the school!

Choose from Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, High School & Adult titles.

AND……. INDEPENDENCE ELEMENTARY will earn 50% in FREE BOOKS from any sales!

Thank you for your support!


Please click on the link below to SHOP ON LINE for MORE BOOKS!



Thank you and Happy Reading!

(all orders will ship directly to the school, pre-bagged with your student’s name attached)





Yarn Pumpkins

Look what we tried today!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Independence Book Fair--THIS MONDAY AND TUESDAY

Our 1st Annual Independence Book Fair will be held in our school library during Fall Conferences next Monday & Tuesday (October 13 & 14) from 4-7:45 pm!

Please consider attending to purchase some great books and support our school.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Class Pictures

Update on class pictures.
They will be taken at 10:30 am on Thursday, October 9!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Fall Parent Teacher Conference

Please e-mail me to confirm your fall parent-teacher conference! Reminder will be send out a few days in advance!  Our fall conferences will be held on October 13 & 14

Class Pictures

We will be taking our class pictures this THURSDAY Oct 9, 2014.

If you plan to order pictures, please return the order form to me by Thursday @ 8:00 am.
We will receive the schedule soon as to what time of day we will be taking pictures. I'll share that with you when I find out.


Independence Book Fair

Our 1st Annual Independence Book Fair will be held in our school library during Fall Conferences next Monday & Tuesday (October 13 & 14) from 4-7:45 pm!

Please consider attending to purchase some great books and support our school.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

No School Professional Development Day

NO SCHOOL OCTOBER 8 for Teacher Professional Development!

Week 7 spelling

week 7 spelling lists are up on our spelling city website!

Please encourage your child to practice their list nightly, using proper keyboarding technique 😀

Friday, October 3, 2014

Volunteering @ Fall Parent-Teacher Conference Book Fair

We're using VolunteerSpot (the leading online signup and reminder tool) to organize volunteers for our upcoming book fair.

Please sign up to help with the Independence Book Fair!

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot:
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!

Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


If your child has a fever, is vomiting or has diarrhea they cannot come to school. Children who have a fever cannot return until 24 hours after the fever has subsided without the use of fever reducing medication. Children who are vomiting or have diarrhea cannot return to school until they have been symptom free for 24 hours.   

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

cross country meet

GRADES 4, 5, & 6
Wed. Oct. 1, 2014

Who?  Grades 4, 5, and 6 boys and girls.

What?  Cross Country Meet.  The course is approximately 6/10 of a mile.

Why?  Get some exercise, have some fun and earn a ribbon!

Where?  Eastwood Elementary (500 10th Ave. E. West Fargo) playground and park area

When?  Wed. Oct. 1, 2014.  Times below are approximate, but should be close.

Participants should arrive by 3:30 P.M. to register.

3:45—4th grade girls
3:55—4th grade boys
4:05—5th grade girls
4:15—5th grade boys
4:25—6th grade girls
4:35—6th grade boys

There is NO charge to participate in the Gary Otterness Elementary Cross Country Meet.  Hope to see you there!

Thank You,

Mr. Seeman, Mr. Svor, and other West Fargo Elementary PE Teachers.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

October 9-Picture Day

Picture day forms are coming home tonight!  Our school pictures will be held-Thursday October 9.
Please complete and return order form ASAP and we will send it down to the office!

Monday, September 29, 2014

October 2-PTO Meeting

Our October PTO meeting will be held on October 2!

Please plan to attend @ 7pm in the Library!

Your support is greatly appreciated!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 6 Spelling

Week 6 Spelling words are published on

Please use this website to help your child practice at home!

You can also double check their words in their agenda against their list if you see any discrepancies due to speeding through when they write them into their agenda!

Friday, September 26, 2014


Dear Independence Families,
Just a reminder that our annual fundraiser is underway!

This fundraiser is our major source of income. It funds all of our PTO/School sponsored events. The packets are due Monday, Sept. 29th. Please turn in your order form and money in your child's envelope to their teacher. Please remember to put a cell phone number on the order form to receive a reminder text about delivery. If your child sells enough to earn a t-shirt, please mark the size you want on top of the order form.
Please consider helping our fundraising efforts. We appreciate any amount of participation.

Independence School

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Addition Math Strategies

Below are some tips that might be helpful when your student brings home their work on Tuesday. We are focusing on two different types of addition. They are:  Partial-Sums and Column-Addition.

I have written out an example, and I have also attached a link to a video that will help explain the process as well. It was difficult to format the example for Column-Addition, so I attached a photo. The steps are colored in coordination with the actual work in the photo. If you have questions, let me know! I know this is a very different method, than many of us, including myself, grew up with. We are in this journey together! I have found these methods fantastic for teaching addition, and really help students make sense of addition. Enjoy!


The partial-sums method is used to find sums mentally or with paper and pencil. Here is the partial-sums method for adding 2-digit or 3-digit numbers:

1.) Add the 100s
2.) Add the 10s
3.) Add the 1s
4.) Then add the sums you just found (the partial sums).


Add the 10s:                    40+30 ----------->       70
Add the 1s:                        6+  7 ----------->     +13
Add the partial sums       70+13 ----------->       83

Add the 100s:                  200+100 -------->                300
Add the 10s:                      30+  50 -------->                  80
Add the 1s:                         3 +   8 --------->                +11
Add the partial sums:  300 + 80 + 11 ----->                391


The column-addition method can be used to find sums with paper and pencil, but it is not a good method for finding sums mentally.

Here is the column-addition method for adding 2-digit or 3-digit numbers.

1.) Draw lines to separate the 1s, 10s, and 100s places.
2.) Add the numbers in each column. Write each sum in its column.
3.) If there are 2 digits in the 1s place, trade 10 ones for 1 ten.
4.) If there are 2 digits in the 10s places, trade 10 tens for 1 hundred.


Add 248+187 using the column-addition method.

Add the numbers in each column

Two digits in the ones place.
Trade 15 ones for 1 ten and 5 ones.
Move the 1 ten to the tens column.

Two digits in the tens place.
Trade 13 tens for 1 hundred and 3 tens
Move the 1 hundred to the hundreds column

248 + 187 = 435 

I hope this information helped. If you every have more questions about our Everyday Math while you are at home, this is a really helpful site to view!This link will take you to the unit we are currently working on.