Monday, February 10, 2014

Africa by: Jetta, Rylie, Aidan & Arop

By: Jetta, Rylie, Aidan & Arop
        Africa has many lakes and rain forests. Africa has at least 15 rainforests. Many people like to go on safaris in the jungles. There are many lakes in parts of Africa. Africa has many lakes. It is dry and rainy in Africa.
        There are 800 different languages spoken in Africa. Many people in Africa speak Arabic. Some men hunt for food. They sing and dance in Africa.
        Africa is in the north and south hemispheres. Africa has Kruger National Park and is by the Atlantic Ocean. To the west of Africa is the Atlantic Ocean. There are many islands in Africa.
        Africa is the second largest continent. Africa has a beautiful safari. Africa has the world’s biggest river.
        There are many different climates in Africa. It is hot in Africa. There are rainforests in the rainy parts of Africa. It is hot and dry in most of Africa. It can also be cold in Africa.
        There are 1000 different plants in Africa. There are many palm trees in Africa. There are many different animals in Africa, such as elephants, lions, gorillas, rhinoceroses, and giraffes. There are many different animals running around.
Capital: the city or town where government workers work
Climate: the temperature patterns of a specific place

Season: the stages of weather/climate that an area experiences

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