Monday, February 10, 2014

Antarctica by: Zaylea, Gavin & Tyler

By: Zaylea, Gavin & Tyler
          Antarctica has many landforms. Icebergs are made of snow and rainfall. In Antarctica there are currents in the water. Antarctica is one of the coldest continents in the world.
          Robert Scott was the first person to have ponies pull his sled in 1912. The first person to reach the South Pole is Roald Amundsen in 1911. There is a lot of fun stuff in Antarctica.
          In Antarctica it is so cold and the ice doesn’t melt. In Antarctica there are a lot of glaciers. The snow and ice mix to make glaciers that are shaped like a dome.
          Antarctica is the coldest continent. Antarctica is below the equator. Antarctica is an island. There are a lot of islands in Antarctica. The South Pole is one of the islands. Almost all of Antarctica is in the Antarctic Circle.
          In Antarctica there are a lot of experiments on the ice. There are a lot of research stations in Antarctica. Earnest Shackleto got out of his ship before it sank. Antarctica would be hard to live in.
          The Emperor Penguin lives in Antarctica. Penguins huddle up to stay warm. The elephant seal lives by the Arctic Ocean. A tussock and a licher are both plants that are found in Northern Antarctica.
Massif: mountainous area with a lot of peaks

Mining: digging up things from under the Earth’s surface

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