Monday, February 10, 2014

Australia by: Mara, Alexis, Oliva, Jayda

       By: Mara, Alexis, Olivia, Jayda
          In Australia, there is a desert called the Great Sandy Desert. There are many snow-covered peaks. There are many rainforests in Australia. Rainforests are found in the northeast. In salt water, fish and sea plants help to build a reef. Underwater there are many reefs.
          A day of celebration in Australia is a tradition. The British explorer Captain Cook came to Australia for the first time. Aboriginal people are the people who first lived in Australia. In Australia there were people called Aboriginal people. Australia has many traditions.
          The Australian outback stretches for thousands of miles. The outback is far away from the capital city in Australia. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. Lake Eyry is the largest lake in Australia. There are many deserts in Australia.
          Australia is the smallest continent. There are 8 sheep per people in Australia.
          In Australia, the summers are hot and wet and over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a short rainy season. Winter goes from June to September. Australia has many different temperatures. There are many plants and animals in Australia. Emus, platypuses and kangaroos live in Australia. Gum trees and wild flowers both live in the rainforest. All animals have unique ways. Australia has a lot of animals.
Equator: an imaginary line that stretches around the globe
Mining: work, progress or business of taking minerals from the Earth
Yachting: a sailing boat.

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