Monday, February 17, 2014

Spelling Week 22 Lists **Note the change!

**Week 22 spelling lists will run this week 2/19/14-2/21/14 through next week 2/24/14-2/28/14**

I have extended our new lists across 4 levels vs. the previous 2 that I was doing. Check with your child on Wednesday what list they are on--each student should bring their list home the first day of any new week--so be sure to check home folders. If you want to know what list your child is on before Wednesday, please send me an e-mail and I will get that information out to you.

Why have I changed to 4 lists vs. 2 lists?  The answer is easy. I used data from our winter benchmark assessments (given early January to all students across the district). I made note of where students spelling skills began breaking down and that is where each group has started!  We will still be working on studying a set of 2 morphographs each week and will be having time set aside to work on their lists briefly in class, so be sure to study them each night at home.

Remember-- is our class website for practicing, playing games, taking practice tests, etc, so be sure to utilize that as you see fit in your home!

Week 22 List A
1. hay
2. tray
3. stray
4. they
5. obey
6. hey
7. weigh
8. vein
9. veil
10. freight
11. sleigh
12. neigh
13. eight
14. break
15. great
16. steak
17. play
18. sway
19. crayon
20. prey

Week 22 List B
2. boy
3. joy
4. coin
5. foil
6. boil
7. spoil
8. noise
9. point
10. town
11. clown
12. brown
13. crown
14. frown
15. howl
16. sound
17. mouth
18. scout
19. round
20. couch

Week 22 List C
1. button
2. sunny
3. yellow
4. happy
5. happen
6. sitting
7. fellow
8. matter
9. market
10. garden
11. signal
12. member
13. basket
14. center
15. plastic
16. tablet
17. napkin
18. dampen
19. winter
20. foggy

Week 22 List D
1. affect
2. affection
3. distinct
4. distinction
5. select
6. selection
7. extinct
8. extinction
9. predict
10. prediction
11. subtract
12. subtraction
13. contract
14. contraction
15. express
16. expression
17. impress
18. impression
19. process
20. procession


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