Friday, February 7, 2014

Feb 10-14 Spelling Words-List A&B

Our spelling words this week follow two different morphograph patterns
-ed is a suffix that we add to the end of a word to show "in the past."
ex- is a prefix that means "out or away."

If your child was on list A this past week, they are on list A again. If they were on List B, they are on list B. :)

List A
1. jumped
2. cracked
3. helped
4. colored
5. camped
6. waited
7. reached
8. expand
9. export
10. exclude
11. except
12. expand
13. exhale
14. light
15. thought
16. earth
17. under
18. story
19. saw
20. while

List B
1. exceed
2. exclusive
3. exhale
4. explosion
5. exclude
6. expand
7. except
8. cracked
9. reached
10. waited
11. delivered
12. wondered
13. dreamed
14. cheered
15. questions
16. complete
17. problem
18. pattern
19. upon
20. friends

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