Sunday, May 11, 2014

Momidious By Asho

By: Asho A.
       I can’t believe this happened!  In the morning I woke up. I felt weird. So I walked to the bathroom and when I looked in the clear mirror, I yelled, “Oh my goodness!” I woke up my kids before I drove to work. I drove to Walmart and was working for three hours very fast!  Then I drove home and came back for two hours.
       I’m final finished! When I was done I drove to the hospital. My doctor said to tell him everything that happened. When I woke up I was my mom and I am still my mom.

       The doctor yelled, “What!” the doctor whispered, “I’m sorry but we are going to do surgery on you.  I yelled, “Oh no you’re not!” I ran out of the hospital and never came back!

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