Sunday, May 11, 2014

What's Going On? By Mara

What is going on?
By Mara L.
     One stormy morning I was fast asleep in bed. Then I heard a lot of snoring. It got so loud I had to do something. “Be quiet!!!” I demanded screaming. It was 6:45 A.M so I had to get dressed for the day. I looked in the mirror at myself and I stood there looking at myself thinking and staring at myself. I ran around the bathroom once I realized I was my mom that’s right you heard me my mom.

          Then I stopped put my game face on and walked to my car I mean her car what? Never mind my car to drive to work. It was raining so hard that if you stuck a finger out it would soak. “Why does it have to rain now?” I whimpered. I could barely walk in the heels because it was so slippery. So I went and got Halle and mom I mean me what ever and went home. They played with rubber Bandaloom bracelets while I did home work. Then Halle asked, “Can you make dinner?” “Ahhhh?” I hesitated, “Sure.”   I made them mac-n-cheese. While they were eating I thought to myself, “I have to get back into my own body.”  I snapped and I was me again. I felt better knowing I was me again. Until I had to tell my mom she was fired today. 

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