Sunday, May 11, 2014

What just happened? By Rylie

      What just happened?


    I was in a peaceful sleep when my mom started jumping on me. I wined, “get off.” So she went back to bed but what I didn’t notice is that I was sleeping next to a snoring warthog.  I woke up to make breakfast. Mom cheered, “I am ready for school Rylie                                           

Dad was standing right next to us and very confused he said, “what did you guys eat?” We got in the car and I could not see over the steering wheel so I grabbed my brothers booster. When I started to drive mom stated, “we switched bodies.” I responded, “I know.” It was quiet for three seconds and at the same time we both yelled, “what!!” I was so excited to be able to drive but mom didn’t like that.  I dropped her off at school and went to work. I’m not going to tell her this but I got caught with my feet on her desk with a video game in my hand and got her fired. I picked her up from school and she hugged me. the ground started to shake and we switched back.”Aaaaaaaa!” I wined.

THE END!    

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