Sunday, May 11, 2014

Fun but Not so fun day! By Jayda S.

Fun-But Not so Fun Day
By: Jayda S.      
Early in the morning I woke up and found out I was my mom. I yelled aw. Then I jumped out of bed and got ready as quick as I could. I   rushed out to the kitchen to make my lunch. 
            Just as I went to leave for work I kissed my dog and ran out of the house and said under my breath I hate my life. Then I turned on my car and drove off to work. When I got to work I turned on my computer. Then I took out my drink out of my bag.
              After I drank it I turned into myself  again. Then the manager came over to me and said, “You are fired! Go home!” So I drank the potion and turned into my mom so I could drive back home. Then I drank it again to turn back to myself.


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